The End of an Era

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"Bye, Moony!" Sirius and I call as Remus walks down the steps and out of our small house. I sigh and preform all the lock charms on the door. I pick up Alana and Sirius and I walk into the kitchen. Finally, I blurt out what I'd been thinking about for a while now. 

"I don't think we should have made Peter the secret keeper." Sirius looks at me oddly. 

"Why not? He's not my favorite guy but I know he'd never tell." I sigh again and cuddle Alana. She's grown a little bit and her curly, auburn hair is getting a little longer. 

"Nevermind. I just have a weird feeling." I shake my head, as if clearing the thought. 


I'm just putting Alana to bed when a defening scream is heard and a large bang. It comes from two doors down. My first thought: The Potters. 

"Sirius!" I cry, picking Alana up again and running out of the room. She starts crying, but I don't pay any attention. Sirius comes, looking frantic. 

"I heard it. I'm going, but you and Alana have to stay here." I shake my head. 

"Sirius I'm not going to let you do this on your own!" He shakes his head. 

"Whatever you do, don't leave Alana on her own." He kisses me passionately on the lips. "Be safe. I love you," he says, then kisses Alana on the top of the head. He gives us each one more look before fleeing the house. I sink down to my knees, Alana still in my arms, and cry. 

What if James and Lily are dead? What if he found them? What about Harry? 

What if Sirius gets killed? 

Alana is bawling her eyes out in my arms as I continue to cry. We both cry together, except Alana isn't aware of the emotional pain I'm in. She just cries when I cry. 

After a while of just sitting there and crying my eyes out with Alana, an idea hits me. I wouldn't have to fight...I could just go and see what's going on. Alana would be perfectly safe with me. I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Coming to a decision, I twist on the spot, apparating to James and Lily's. I find the door to be broken down and Dumbledore and Hagrid standing outside with a giant motorbike and Harry in their arms. Hagrid is crying. 

"Where are they?!" I screech, tears coming again. Dumbledore looks at me sadly and Hagrid sobs loudly. "No," I say quietly, not believing it. "NO!" Dumbledore and Hagrid try to calm me down. As does a crying Alana in my arms. "Professor I must ask a giant favor of you," I say quietly, wiping the tears away and glancing down at Harry and Alana, who are reaching for each other and crying each other's names. 

"Anything," he says, looking down at the two children as well. 

"If...if Sirius and I ever die...I want you to send Alana somewhere where she will be close to Harry...somewhere where a part of her childhood can still be in her life." It was weird to say it, but I felt like it had to be done. I felt like it was the only thing I could do at the moment. Dumbledore nods his head and smiles sadly at me. 

I lean down and kiss Harry lightly on the top of the head, making some of the grief over Lily and James subside. At least a part of them is still in this world. I then drag Alana away from Harry, holding her close as I do. 

"Hawwy!" She wails before we're apparating again. The only way Voldemort could have found Lily and James was if the secret keeper told him. Peter was going to die tonight. 



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