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"Sirius Orion Black the third!" James yells from inside the great hall. Sirius and I whirl around to see an angry James running towards us.

"Run, Padfoot, RUN!" I yell dramatically as Remus and I dodge James. We laugh and plop down on a bench outside the great hall.

"What did he do this time?" Remus asks, still chuckling.

"He might have accidentally dumped a bucket of water on Lily Evans..." Remus sighed as if saying 'no explanation needed'. It was true, though. James was hopelessly devoted to Lily and hexed any guy who came even close to her. He'd even attack his best mate for doing something to upset her. "What do you want to do? We have a free period," I say and he makes his thinking face.

"Let's hang out by the lake," he says and we head down there to do so, his fingers laced lightly in mine. We talk and laugh for a while until we get to the lake. Then we sit down and talk some more (nothing very exciting). Just as its getting less awkward, the girl I despise the most comes up. A Hufflepuff girl named Amanda.

"Hi, Remus!" She says cheerily. Everyone knows she's had a crush on him since our third year. I groan obviously and Remus nudges me as if saying 'watch you manners'.

"Erm, hi Amanda," he replies, sensing the awkwardness of the situation.

"I was having trouble with the potions homework and I was wondering if you could help me." He looks to me and I shake my head.

"Sorry, I'm kind of confused about it I'm busy. Sorry, Amanda," he replies and I smile to myself at her hurt face. She stomps away, but not before whispering "I'll get you!" and shoving me. Once she's gone I burst out laughing. Remus looks at me oddly, but then starts laughing just as hard.

"That....that was priceless! Did....Did you see her face?!" Remus stops laughing.

"That's a little mean, don't you think?"

"Mean?!" I ask, outraged. "It was MEAN when she hexed me multiple times this past week. It's MEAN when she threatens me. I think a little bit of laughing is fine!" I sigh and plop down on the grass and Remus does the same. "I thought Hufflepuff's are supposed to be friendly!" He chuckles at this.

"You didn't tell me she was hexing you..." He trails off.

"It's alright, Sirius took care of it." A strange look passes over his face, but it's gone just as quick as it came.


"Hey, Rowan!" Katie calls as Remus and I enter the common room.

"Hey, Katie," I say, sitting next to her on the couch. She's talking to Lily about James. Again.

"I'm heading down to the library, see you later, love," Remus says, kissing my cheek and walking happily out the portrait hole. I blush slightly when I see the common room staring at me.

"Don't you people have lives?!" I snap and they all look away quickly. Katie laughs and we start talking about my relationship with Remus. She seems fine with me hanging out with the Marauders more-she's been hanging out a lot with Lily. All they do is talk about James, which they're doing right now. "Can we talk about something else?" I whine.

"No," they say at the same time and I roll my eyes.

"You people are boring! I'm going to find Padfoot," I announce and lazily walk out of the common room. I skip down the halls calling for my friends when I hear a girl giggling as I pass a broom cupboard. Ugh, people snogging. It would be so funny if I busted them, Padfoot and I do it all the time. I swing the cupboard opened and my legs almost give out on me. Standing in the cupboard, pushed against the wall is Remus, with Amanda holding him there snogging him. I watch for a moment because they don't realize I'm there, and he has his arm snaked around her waist and he's KISSING HER BACK! Anger and hurt floods through me. I turn on the light to the cupboard.

"YOU BLOODY CHEATER!" I scream and they pull away from each other. "AND YOU'RE A BLOODY B*TCH, THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE!" I yell at Amanda, but she just smirks at me. Remus's face is filled with guilt and confusion as well.

"Rowan?" Remus asks, looking from me to Amanda. I don't say anything, I just run out of the cupboard as fast as I can, not even caring if I bumped into a couple of Ravenclaw first years and knocking them over. I don't want anyone to see me crying like this, especially not Remus (aka the BLOODY CHEATER!). I pass the familiar dark, shaggy-haired figure of Sirius. He smiles at me as I run past, but then frowns when he realizes I'm crying, but I just keep running.

"Plumi! Plumi, wait!" He calls, but I don't listen. I burst through the portrait hole and sprint up to the girls dormitories. I pull the curtains up around my bed and just cry. I cry more than I've ever cried in my life. My boyfriend cheated on me! I've never felt this mad before.

"Plumi!" I can hear Sirius and James yell from the bottom of the staircase. I ignore them and continue to cry.


I smile as I see Rowan rush past, but she doesn't smile back, just keeps running. Something's wrong.

"Plumi! Plumi, wait!" I call, dodging a couple Slytherins while I chase after her. Bloody hell that girl can run fast when she wants to. We make it to the portrait hole and I come in just in time to see her disappear up to her dormitory.

"Hey, Padfoot," James greets and I nod in acknowledgement, making my way to the staircase. "What's wrong with Plumi? She was crying." I shrug.

"Plumi!" We call, but she doesn't answer. My dog senses can hear her crying and all I want to do is make her smile again. I don't like it when she's sad. Remus suddenly walks in, looking guilt.

"Moony," I say, trying to control myself. "What did you do?" He looks down at his feet.

"I snogged Amanda Templeton," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. It takes all my will-power to not punch him in the face. "But it was all a misunderstanding," he continues. "I-"

"You'd go after Amanda instead of Rowan?! What kind of a trade is that?! I mean, Amanda's not only a total Hufflepuff idiot, but she's not even pretty like Rowan is!" I shout and notice the whole common room is watching. "Remus, I thought you were supposed to be smart." And with that I storm up to my dormitory. Why in Merlin's beard would he do that? He's lucky he's already got Rowan, and now he's going around snogging ugly Hufflepuffs? If he ever hurt her again, I will personally kick his arse, no matter if we're best friends or not. He's a dead Moony...


Sorry it's a little short! Just wanted to update ASAP! Liking it so far? Be sure to vote and comment! It's appreciated! K bye!


The Other MaraudersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora