The Duel

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"Padfoot, please just cancel this! I don't want you to get hurt!" I plead, but he just shakes his head and pulls on his jacket. It was almost twelve 'o clock, meaning we had to meet Malfoy for the duel.

"No way! That would mean he wins! And I lose!" He cracks his knuckles.

"So what if you lose?"

"I'm Sirius Black!" He cries and I roll my eyes. "I never lose!" Okay, I know he's trying to act all tough for me and stuff, but this is just getting stupid. He's going to get himself killed!

"Ready, Padfoot?" James asks nervously, stepping towards the portrait hole. Sirius nods, pulling out his wand in advance. I start chewing my nails nervously. If he gets hurt it's going to be all my fault!

"Relax, Plumi," Sirius assures me, putting an arm around my waist, his hand sinking a little bit low as we walk.

"North of the equator, Padfoot," I warn and he slides his arm up to my lower back. James snickers. We make our way through the dark corridors, stopping only a couple of times to check the map. They were right where they needed to be, but didn't notice us coming. We arrive there and see Malfoy standing there with Sirius's cousin Bellatrix and Snape. My fists clench. "Padfoot, PLEASE don't do this," I whisper, but he shakes his head.

"They need to learn not to be such bloody gits to you." I smile at this. "Soooo, can I have a kiss for good luck?" I laugh and roll my eyes. Sirius looks at me expectantly.

"Oh, alright," he smiles triumphantly as I lean in and kiss him lightly on the lips. I'm about to pull away, but he pulls me closer. I feel him smirk into the kiss as I stand there kind of nervously.

"Oi! If you two are just going to stand there and snog, I might have to hex you while you're not looking!" We quickly pull away and I blush furiously before winking at Sirius and standing off to the side. I sink back next to James and he gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. And then the duel begins.

"Reducto!" Malfoy yells, but Sirius blocks it. Sirius shoots back the same spell and it hits Malfoy in the chest. He hits the wall behind him, but gets back up and sends Sirius to the wall opposite of him. Sirius spits the blood out of his mouth and to the ground, making me flinch a little.

"Expelliarmus!" Sirius yells and disarms Malfoy so his wand goes flying to the ground. I give an excited squeal and run into his opened arms. He spins me around happily before I hear a spell being cast.

"Septemsempra!" It's Snape. Sirius pulls me out of the way so the spell narrowly misses us, hitting the wall behind us.

"Hey! The duels over!" I yell at the dumb Slytherins. "He won!" They all smirk at me.

"And?" Malfoy presses, holding his wand at me threateningly.

"AND that's an illegal strike." They don't look like they understood. "Illegal means not allowed." I sigh. Idiots. "Wow, I thought you guys were Slytherin, not Hufflepuff!" That set them off.

"You dumb b*tch!" Bellatrix lunges for me, but I'm quicker.

"Petrificus totalus!" Bellatrix freezes and smiles triumphantly. I see Snape and Sirius dueling out of the corner of my eye, James is stunned, but I don't see Malfoy. Just as I'm about to help Sirius, I feel someone wrap their arms around my neck rather roughly and starts to drag me. I manage to choke out one little scream after I drop my wand.

"Sirius!" I gasp for air as his grip tightens on my neck. It's starting to get difficult to breath.

"Nowhere to run now, Keith," Malfoy spits in my ear and I shiver. Now I was actually scared. Malfoy was a complete idiot-but he wouldn't hesitate on doing some serious damage to me. We've had an ongoing rivalry since our first year. Plus he's just plain crazy. And most likely a Death Eater. "Don't worry," he says, pulling out his wand. "This will only hurt-" I sink my elbow into his stomach just as he says "-a lot." Gosh, I should've taken up Quidditch, maybe I'd be as strong as James or Sirius if I did. Speaking of Sirius, where the hell is he? "You filthy blood-traitor!" Malfoy hisses and resumes on attempting to choke me with his arm-and he was strong.

"SIRIUS! JAMES!" I manage to choke out before my lungs start to burn and I'm gasping for breath. Malfoy, on the other hand, is laughing at my suffocating. I think they heard me because I only use their real names when I need them really badly for something. Black dots start to cloud my vision.


"Don't even think about it, Snivellus!" I yell as Snape poises his wand at Rowan while her back is turned. He spins around to me and we duel. He's actually pretty good, so I get disarmed and petrified a couple of times, but I know all the counter curses.

"Petrificus totalus!" I yell and he lays there stunned. I wipe the sweat from my forehead and un-stun James.

"Thanks, mate," he says as I help him to his feet.

"No problem. Where's Plumi and Malfoy?" James gives me a scared look. "Oh, sh*t," I curse and follow James down a different hall. It's obvious he's a Death Eater and would do anything to get revenge on a Gryffindor...especially Rowan. They absolutely HATED each other.

"SIRIUS! JAMES!" I hear her call as she gasps in a large breath. We round another corner to see Malfoy choking her. It's dark, but I can see she's completely purple in the face from suffocation. I suddenly feel a rush of fierce protectiveness and throw myself at Malfoy. We both go tumbling to the floor, a stream of violent cuss words escaping my mouth. Rowan is leaning on the wall, breathing heavily.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!" The young man we know as Filch emerges from the shadows with his kitten Mrs. Norris. Malfoy and I both stand up looking like deer caught in the headlights.


SUSPENCE! Lol I love how protective Sirius is towards Rowan- it's adorable! Stupid Malfoy, he's such a jerk! Anyways, hope you like it! Remember to comment! K bye!


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