Alana Katie Andromeda Black

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Alana Katie Adromeda Black was born on August 14th at 12:04 am. She was delivered by Molly Weasley at their house (the Burrow).

"She's beautiful," Molly says once she's wrapped Alana in a blanket and handed her to me. She opens her little eyes and I smile to see that part of her comes from her father. Alana's eyes are a blue and gray color that are very soft and kind looking-exactly like Sirius. Her hair looks more like mine, but isn't as fiery of a red, it's more of a dark auburn color.

"She is," I say, suddenly feeling very tired. I keep my eyes on Alana as Molly moves around the room, waving her wand and cleaning up all the blankets and things. "Can you let Sirius in?" I ask weakly, still feeling exhausted from being in labor for hours. Molly nods happily and goes to let Sirius in. He runs into the room frantically, but his face relaxes when he sees me. I say nothing as I reluctantly hand Alana to Sirius. He looks at her with loving eyes.

"She has your face," he says, smiling.

"She has your eyes," I reply, making him smile even wider. "Isn't she just beautiful?" He sits down next to me on the bed and kisses my forehead. Saying nothing, we both just stare at our beautiful baby for a while, both excited for the long life we were going to have with her.

Well, that's what we thought.


"Alana! Can you say 'Happy Birthday, Harry!'?" I asked, holding my baby girl close. Her hair had started to grow and it was curly now. Her hair seemed like mine when I was a baby, messy and unmanageable.

"Hawwy!" She exclaimed, seeing her best friend on the ground below her. Harry had learned to crawl, and he could kind of stand up. He stood up and tugged on my jeans.

"'Lana!" He said back, still tugging on my leg. I let Alana down and she and Harry started tugging on each other's hair and wrestling a little bit. Sirius, James, Lily and I all laugh. Lily and James look troubled behind their smiles. I can't blame them, I mean, knowing that The Dark Lord is out to kill you and your son would be a little bit troubling. Yeah, maybe very troubling...

"How are you guys?" Sirius asks seriously once we sit down in the living room. Alana and Harry are below us, both of them chewing on random toys and playing random games.

"It's hard...but we're getting through it. Right James?" Lily asks and James nods weakly.

"That's good to hear," I say, laughing as Alana tackles Harry. "Oh! And Sirius and I have a present for Harry!" I pull out a little gift and hand it to James. He opens it and smiles. He smiles a real smile.

"You got him a broom!" Lily exclaims, beaming at how happy James looks. I pull out an identical one.

"Yeah, and we got Alana one as well so they can both fly!" Sirius and James both go towards the kids and attempt to teach them how to fly. Harry gets it right away but Alana is a little shaky. Finally, after Harry makes her, she gets it. It's amazing that Harry's only one and Alana's not even one yet and they're both flying on brooms.

"Sirius Black if our daughter falls off that broom I will have to seriously kick your arse!" I yell and Lily hits me on the side of the head.

"Rowan, please! Language!" She exclaims, "They're only children!" I roll my eyes and laugh as Harry and Alana fly far away from James and Sirius and they try and catch up to them.

"Boys and their Quidditch," I breath but Lily's still giggling.

"Rowan," Lily asks seriously, her face darkening, "do you think he'll find us?"

"No way. Not unless Sirius spills the location to anyone...which I will not let him do!" I hug her reassuringly. "But...we were thinking of switching secret keepers." Just then Sirius and James walk in, each carrying a child and a broom.

"Sirius? Were you thinking of switching secret keepers?" Lily asks, looking fearfull. Sirius and I exchange a look.

"Yes. You know You-Know-Who would probably suspect that I would be the secret we were thinking of giving the location to someone he wouldn't suspect...." The room is silent.

"Well, who were you thinking?" James asks, handing a wailing Harry over to Lily.

"Peter," Sirius replies.


SORRY IT WAS SO SHORT! I just wanted to save the next very intense thing for the next chapter....I'm pretty sure you all know what's coming next... so yeah. The next chapter could possibly be the last of this book :(((((((

Anyways, vote, comment, fangirl, asdfghjkl;....

Peace, bro XD

Bai, beautiful ;)

-Livvy/Olivia/Plumi/The Ravenclaw Princess

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