Danger at Hogwarts

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I use the special power of the ring to apparate to wherever the person is in trouble. When my feet land firmly on the ground, I look in front of me to see that Katie's in a heated battle with Bellatrix and Malfoy. Malfoy sees me and we start to duel. 

"Stupefy!" He yells, but I block it easily. 

"Petrificus totalus!" I call, but he blocks it. We do this for a while, firing spells and having the other block it. When I'm almost hit with one, I start to get mad. "Stupefy! Reducto! Relashio! Levicorpus!" I fire everything I know at him and he eventually goes flying into the wall, but then runs off. "OI! GET BACK HERE, MALFOY!" I shout and run after him. I can hear Katie calling my name, so I quickly hex Bellatrix to help her, then take off after Malfoy again. "MALFOY!" I call again, but hear nothing or no answer. Some first years come sprinting down the hall, looking afraid. 

"P-please help! Death Eaters!" A young Ravenclaw says, tears coming out of her eyes. I resist the urge to look for Malfoy and bring them back to the common room (well, more run). 

"Stay here, alright? And don't come out of the common room!" The two girls nod, still clinging onto each other and crying. I see a couple of sixth years come and comfort them. My ring glows again and I once again apparate. This time it's Lily and some random Death Eater battling, but he's totally winning. I see James apparate next to me, and when he sees Lily, a determined look passes across his face. 

"Stupefy!" James yells, sending the Death Eater into the wall, and sucessfully knocking him out. Lily runs over and hugs him while he checks her for injuries frantically. The ring glows again and I surpress the urge to scream. So many people in trouble!

My feet land on the ground to find Alice and Frank shielding a bunch of younger Hogwarts students from Malfoy, Snape, Bellatrix, and...Fenrir Greyback. Fear flashes through Alice's eyes as she blocks Snape's spell. 

"Expelliarmus!" I yell, successfully disarming the three of them. I'm about to fire another spell, but all three of them are gone in a whoosh of black shadows. 

"Rowan!" Alice yells running up to me. "Thank you!" I nod and hug her. 

"Have you guys got the kids? I'm going to look for more." They nod. "Take them up to the common room and stay there with them in case the Death Eaters make their way in. I'll bring more." Alice and Frank give me a determined look before going in the direction of the common room. I hear battle sounds coming from down a right hallway, so I go down there to find Death Eaters ganging up on a bunch of sixth and second years. "Reducto!" I yell, sending to of them to the ground. The other lets out an odd growling noise and it soon turns into a duel. "GO! RUN!" I yell to the kids and they gladly obey, running towards the direction of the kitchens. Hufflepuffs, no doubt. It soon becomes a three against one duel and all I'm doing is blocking spells. The best chance I have is to run and press the button on the ring. I cast a spell that makes black smoke appear and try and find the button on the ring, but the smoke disappears before I can and the Death Eaters all smirk at me. 

"The Order of the Phoenix huh?" Says a deep voice. The Death Eater wears a mask, so I can't tell who it is. "Stupefy!" He yells and I block it, still fiddling with my ring. Spells are continuously fired at me so I have no time to press the ring. I have to let a spell hit me now. 

"Reducto!" The voice of a girl yells, sending me flying into the wall. I groan but press the ring anyways as the Death Eaters all walk up. I reach for my wand, but one of them kicks it out of the way. I stand up, still surprised no one has answered to the ring yet. 

"The Dark Lord would be pleased if we took one of the members of the Order...we could torture the information out of her..." says the man and, on instinct and anger, I lunge at him with a punch. It lands right in his face. Before he can come at me again, I press the ring once more before the other to Death Eaters hold my hands behind my back so I can't move my arms. Well, I'm so dead unless someone comes. I press the ring again behind my back. 

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