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Sorry its a little short! Hope you guys love it! And who do you think? Sirius and Rowan or Remus and Rowan? I'm not really sure myself....k bye!




"You coming Padfoot?" James asks me. I shake my head.

"I'll stay," I reply, not taking my eyes off of Rowan's sleeping face. James shrugs and walks out of the room. What had happened to my powers back there? I had just changed back randomly, so had James! Rowan changed at the very end when Remus was about to eat her. I feel bad for Remus-he thinks it's all his fault Rowan's like this. He got out of the hospital just this morning, but no longer has that spring in his step. I notice how much Rowan's bright, red hair stands out on the white pillow. Even in sleep she still finds a way to catch my eye. Ugh, why must I feel this way?! I had never felt this way about another girl-why now? I put my head in my hands. Bloody stupid hormones...


My eyes snap opened and take in the scene in front of me. Sirius is beside my hospital bed staring out the window and...holding my hand. I blush furiously just as he turns to face me. He smiles goofily.

"Hey," he says coolly. "How're you feeling?" I rub my eyes.

"Alright, I guess. What in the world happened?" He explains in minuscule detail what went down in the Shrieking Shack and how I totally saved his life-then he saved mine. I try and sit up, but gasp in pain and fall back. I whimper.

"Shhh, shhh," Sirius coos, gently adjusting my pillow. "POPPY!" Sirius calls for Madame Pomphrey, the young witch who watches over the hospital wing.

"You will address me properly, Mr. Black!" She squeaks and Sirius holds in a snicker. She hands me a vile of strange, purple liquid. I drink it and almost gag. It tastes like a sweaty sock-not that I've ever tried one. Although it makes me feel immediately better. Sirius laughs at my expression and I hit him in the shoulder. "You are free to go dearie! Come back tonight to take it again, or else the potion could wear off." I give her a quick thanks and limp out of the hospital wing with Sirius. As we pass, I see people whispering things like: "She was attacked by death eaters!" "Wow, she looks terrible!" "She deserves it, she's a slut." I groan as we make our way to Potions with Professor Slughorn. At least he was somewhat nice to me...

"Merlin, Rowan!" Katie exclaims, pulling me into a big hug. "Are you alright? What's wrong with your leg? Why are you all scratched up?" My brain actually hurts from trying to process that information.

"Alright, class! Settle down!" Thank you Professor Slughorn! I take my seat next to a miserable looking Remus.

"You alright, Moony?" I ask, but he doesn't answer. He just looks at me with immense guilt. "It's not your fault, you know. Our Animagus powers where going bezerk." He still looks really sad. "C'mon, Moony, perk up! No one blames you!"

"Ms. Keith, Mr. Lupin, please pay attention. Five points from Gryffindor." I groan and glare at Professor Slughorn when he turns his back.


"Yay, it's Friday!" Katie exclaims and she and Sirius and James do a little happy dance. I groan and make my way to Charms class. I feel Sirius appear next to me.

"Hello, love," he says and puts and arm around my waist. I laugh and pull him off.

"We still have to go on at least one date, Padfoot!" He pouts and I roll my eyes. "Relax. Only one day, then you can do whatever you want." An evil grin spreads across his face.

"Sooooo that means if we wanted to we could hide in a broom cupboard and sno-" I hit him with my book and he pouts again.

"Padfoot, you are such a perv!" I say between giggles. He just laughs and makes a few more attempts at putting his arm around my shoulder, but they fail every time. I love playing hard-to-get. We take our seats in Charms and I don't really listen as the Professor drones on and on about some stuff...I don't know, I wasn't listening. I see Sirius watching me the whole time and smiling. He keeps trying to put his arm around me, but I keep shrugging it off. James in laughing hysterically at us in the corner. "Shut up, Prongs!" I hiss, causing Gryffindor to lose five more points. I sigh and put my head in my hands. This was going to be soooo annoying.


"Oi, Keith!" I groan and turn to face Lucius Malfoy, the racist Slytherin git.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I snap and feel Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter step up behind me.

"Is it true you got attacked by a couple of Death Eaters?" He and his friends cackle. I feel my face flush.

"I'd think you would know, Malfoy," I retort and his face goes dark. It was pretty obvious that he was a Death Eater.

"Don't insult me, Keith, or it might just be the last thing you do." He says it with such seriousness that I actually shiver. The others come to my defense.

"Oi, you threatening my girlfriend?!" Sirius says with mock-outrage as he steps up to face Lucius. I face palm and give him a 'really?' look. Remus looks surprised, but not really jealous. Gosh, he got over me fast.

"What are you going to do about it, Black?" He retorts, receiving a nervous shuffling from the crowd of Slytherin behind him.

"Meet me in the courtyard tonight at midnight." Is all Sirius says before grabbing my hand and dragging me up to the common room.

"Padfoot, you didn't have to do that," I say but Sirius just scoffs.

"It's alright, I'll kick his bloody arse before you can say 'quidditch'." He then runs ahead of us, going who-knows-where. I heave a sigh.

"Don't worry," Remus assures me. "He's just trying to look tough to get your attention." There's no hint of jealousy in his voice. It almost makes me mad.

"I guess you're right, Moony..." He chuckles.

"Aren't I always?" I roll my eyes and slap him lightly with my book. Even though we weren't dating anymore, I think we were both fine with it. I was going to miss these guys over the summer...

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