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Work the next couple of weeks is basically just Sirius, James and I trying to find out who killed Jeremy and constantly visiting Clara to see how she's doing at her cousin's place. 

"We're never going to find anything!" I exclaim, kicking at the rubbel in the ruins of Clara's kitchen. Sirius and James both sigh from beside me, as if silently agreeing with me. 

"Let's just go back to the Ministry, I'm sure they'll-" James is cut off as he looks at his ring. Sirius and I check ours to find out they're glowing as well. 

"Someone's in trouble," Sirius says and we all glance at each other momentarily before disapparating. 

I arrive in a strange looking mansion that seems strangely quiet. I had seen Sirius and James apparate a second ago, but I don't see them anywhere. 

"Hello?" I ask cautiously, my wand raised. "Anyone here?" No one. I walk further through the mysterious mansion with the marble floors and expensive looking trinkets. Many portraits hang on the walls and the letter "M" seemed to be inscribed everywhere. This has to be a trap, or else Sirius and James would be here with me. Maybe someone bewitched one of our rings or something, but I have to find out who's in trouble. It could be Lily, Katie, Remus, or Peter!

"Where is the headquarters?!" I suddenly heard a voice screech. 

"I'll never tell!" I heard the brave voice of my best friend Katie reply, but her voice sounded rather weak. 

"I won't either," Lily's voice came from somewhere as well, but her's sounded even weaker than Katie's. 

"Crucio!" At first I heard no scream, but then both girls are soon screaming their heads off. The curse stops. "Another you say, Fenrir? Here?" I stiffen as I realize they're talking about me. And Greyback's here. "Find her." Great, I'm soooo dead. 

I take off down the hall, pressing my ring repeatedly. No one comes. 

"Damn ring!" I curse, because the button seems to be sort of stuck. I hear a spell being cast and soon ropes have wrapped around my legs and I've fallen over and to the ground. I struggle but not before Fenrir Greyback drags me away by the hair, whispering creepy things in my ear. Maybe Katie and Lily's rings still work! 

"Rowan!" Katie and Lily cry once Greyback throws me into the room with Katie and Lily. 

" did you guys get here?" I whisper once Bellatrix and Greyback start whispering about something. 

"We were at work and they came and attacked us," Katie explained, her face shiny from sweat and her voice strained. 

"Someone cursed our rings," Lily said quietly, as if confirming my suspicions. I nodded, glancing back at Bellatrix while fighting against the restraints that have been put on my wrists and arms. I'm surprised that Katie, Lily and I are so calm, but we'd been in this situation so many times it doesn't even affect us anymore. 

"Do you think Sirius, James and Remus are alright?" Katie asks quietly, a worried look passing her expression. 

"Katie, I'm seriously surprised that you're worried about what's going to happen to them when we're stuck in a room with to psycotic killer Death Eaters," I say honestly and Katie giggles a little bit despite the tension. 

"What are you laughing at?!" Greyback growls, kicking Katie roughly in the side. 

And that's when the fight began. 


James, Rowan and I apparated. James and I landed right in front of The Ministry of Magic, but there was no sign of Rowan. 

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