A Safer Place

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He mutters a spell and I feel myself drop like a stone. I land with an oof and dodge another spell the same Death Eater sends my way. I can't get up because the rope around my legs won't budge.  

"Oi! Katie! Remus!" I call, wanting someone to take out this guy for me. "ANYBODY!" He hits me with a spell that binds my hands. I groan loudly as my vision is blurred by some kind of blindfold and my mouth is covered with one too. I dropped my wand somewhere in the middle of this so that's not an option. I feel a man with strong arms pick me up-more like drag me-and lead me out.  

"PLUMI!" I hear Remus and Sirius call at the same exact time and feel relieved as I hear their footsteps coming closer. I struggle more blindly against that stupid Death Eater and they don't really do any physical damage to me whatsoever. Weird. I hear many spells being cast but I can't really move so I just kind of lie there. I suddenly hear a bunch of people apparate and really hope that someone unties me soon so I don't get killed by a Death Eater and not be able to do anything about it.  

"I've got you, Plumi," I hear Sirius breathe and pick me up.  

"Mfmhmfmh!" I say, trying to tell him to just untie me. I feel him set me down after a while and take off the tape on my mouth. "UNTIE ME!" I plead because not being able to see what's happening is starting to get on my nerves. The blindfold comes off and it takes a second for me to adjust to the light. I see Lily standing next to a stretcher with some healers, on the verge of tears, and Sirius, Katie and Remus looking at me with concerned faces.  

"Plumi-are you alright? Did they hurt you? Who was it? I swear, when I find out I'll-"  

"Padfoot!" I say, raising a hand to stop him, "I'm fine!" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Honestly, I'm fine." He exhales a deep breath and I look over to where Lily's walking towards us.  

"T-they're taking him to St. Mungos. I-I don't know w-what will happen!" Lily breaks down and Katie and I go to comfort her.  

"He'll be fine, Lil," I say, seeing all the Aurors investigate the place. "I promise."  


Lily won't come out of her room. I can tell she feels really bad about what happened to James, but it was his choice to take that spell. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were both horrified when they heard what happened and they haven't come back from the hospital yet. After I told them what he did, they were beaming with pride but they were also still grieving over James. He's still alive, of course, but his parents love to baby their only child, and they can't do it when he's in the hospital.  

"Hey," I greet Sirius as he walks into the room, looking troubled.  

"The doctors said he'd be out in about a week..." Remus says, walking in. Katie isn't that far behind him. Sirius's face lights up and he lets out a breath.  

"Just in time for our seventh year to start too!" Katie adds happily as she and Remus join us on the couch. I notice how the two of them had been hanging out alone together since the summer started...I wonder what's going on...

"I'll go tell Lily," I say and make my way through the mansion, bolting up the stairs and knocking on Lily's door. "Lil?" I ask sofltly and I hear shuffling. She soon opens the door and I gasp at her appearance, and let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair in a tangled ponytail behind her head, and her mascara running down her cheeks. Lily usually looks so bright, cheery, and beautiful...but this isn't the Lily I know. 

"What is it?" She asks weakly, wiping her nose quickly. 

"James is fine. He'll be out in about a week." She flinches at his name, but looks the slightest bit better. "And just in time for Hogwarts too!" She gives a weak smile and I just stand there, unsure what to do. 

"He probably hates me," she mutters and starts crying again silently. 

"Oh, Lily!" I cry, pulling her into a hug and closing the door to her room. "You know James could never hate you, hun," I say, "he WORSHIPS you!" She makes her thinking face. "If he hated you, would he take that spell for you in the first place?" She shakes her head reluctantly. She hates it when I'm right. 

"But-But I've always been so mean to him!" She starts to sob again. "Why would he still like me?! Why would he do that Rowan?!" She pauses as if debating what to say next. "He...He told me...he...loves me." I give her a 'really?' face. 

"Lily Evans; James has loved you since...forever! You just don't give yourself enough credit to notice that he's been sickly in love with you and trying everything to impress you! He hasn't, won't, and will NEVER give up on you. Love can't just go away like that..." She stands there for a second and we're engulfed in complete silence. Then-and this is going to surprise you-she starts to smile. At first it's just a slight curving at the end of her mouth, but turns into the brightest smile I've seen her do in a while. Then she starts laughing....WTF?!

"I've been so stupid!" She's still smiling, but rummages around through her drawers for a while. "I'll get dressed up and go visit him right away!" She gives one last excited squeal before disappearing into the bathroom. I stand there, totally dumb-struck, until I hear the shower running and decide to leave Lily to get ready. 

"What was that about?" Sirius asks from the doorway, making me jump a little bit.

"Bloody hell, Padfoot!" I curse, holding a hand to my pounding heart. "You scared me!" He just laughs and winds his hands around my waist. I blush like mad. He kisses me lightly on the head and we stand there in silence for a second. 



"Promise me that...that you won't do anything stupid..." I pull back, confused. 

"When have I ever done anything stupid?" I ask jockingly, but his expression remains serious. "Okay...define stupid."

"Just promise me that...you'll chose your safety instead of fighting He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...okay?" There's a pause. 

"You just want me to sit back and watch? How is that going to help?!" He looks torn. 

"I just...don't want you to fight, okay?"

"You think I can't handle it, don't you? That I'm just some weak, little girl?" I'm literally fuming. He totally underestimates me.

"No it's not that...it's just...you have a more likely chance of getting hurt...and..." He's looking down at his feet and fidgeting with his fingers. 

"Well no matter how weak and likely to get hurt you think I am, I'm joining the Order of the Phoenix when I graduate and you can't stop me!" He seems a little taken aback. 

"I never said you were weak...I just...argh!" He throws his hands up in frustration. There's a slight pause as I stand there fuming, while he just looks at me sheepishly. 

"I'm. Joining. The. Order." I say, emphasizing every word. "End of discussion." He suddenly smiles and pulls me close to him again. 

"You're so stubborn, you know that?" I push him away again. 

"You don't get to touch me because I'm still mad at you," I explain like a young child and Sirius pouts. 

"Awwww c'mon, Plumi!" He whines but I shake my head. "How can I make it up to you?" I make a thinking face, trying to find out how to take advantage of the situation. 

"I want you to be my servant for a day!" I announce and he rolls his eyes but nods. "You must do everything I say for the whole day tomorrow!" He pouts again and I ruffle his hair. 

"Then will you forgive me?" 

"Yes, Padfoot," I say, "then I will forgive you." 

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