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The next couple of months are crazy and stressfull. Everyone's preparing for final exams and some of us have to go on all the Order missions and meetings. 

"Ugh, I don't want to study!" I complain, plopping lazily on the couch next to Sirius. 

"Then don't!" He replies, putting his hands behind his head. I hold my tongue, knowing I'll snap if I say anything. I work the rest of the time in silence while Sirius falls asleep on the couch. Lazy butt. 

"Hey, Ro!" Katie says happily, skipping into the room. I grunt in responce, still copying down my potions notes. "Still studying?" I nod. "How many N.E.W.T.s do you have?" I hold up four fingers. "That sucks. Lily's got five, though. I'm just going for a walk. See you later!" I manage a smile as she climbs out of the portrait hole and disappears. 

"Just two more exams, Rowan, you can do this!" I say aloud to myself, causing Sirius to stir. I ignore the cramps in my hand and continue to copy down my potions notes. When I see the clock turn to 3:00 am, I my eyes start to droop. I force myslef to keep working though, and continue to yawn every two seconds. 

"Come on, Plumi, you need sleep," I hear Sirius whisper, picking me up. As soon as I close my eyes, I feel myself drift off to sleep. 


I wake up in the common room snuggled onto Sirius. It's early so no one has woken up yet, thank goodness. I wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea about what happened last night. I look at Sirius' sleeping face. His mouth is slightly opened, and is shaggy, black hair is messed up at the top. His eye occasionally twitches, as if he's having a weird dream or something. 

"Padfoot," I whisper, pressing my lips to his momentarily. His eyes open, and he looks at me groggily. I giggle. "Morning handsome." He smiles and shifts me in his arms so he can sit up. 

"What time is it?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. 

"It's about six." He nods. I suddenly realize something, looking down at the papers on the coffee table. "I have a potions exam in two hours! And then Transfiguration an hour after that!" I go into panick mode, quickly reading through all my notes and muttering things to myself. Sirius watches me with a slightly worried expression. "Oh, Merlin! I'm going to fail this test!" I start freaking out but Sirius grabs both of my hands. 

"Plumi, relax! You're not going to fail!" He keeps telling me I'm going to pass it, but I'm seriously worried. Katie and Lily soon come in, pulling me away from Sirius and forcing me to get in the shower. I wash myself very quickly, get my robes on, and run back down to the common room, wanting to cram in a little bit more studying before my potions exam. Minutes tick by as I go over the Forgetfulness Potion, Cure for Boils Potion, and lots of other things in my head. I glance at my watch and see I have ten minutes until the exam. I take a deep breath and gather all my things into my bag. 

"Time to ace a N.E.W.T.!" I exclaim, rushing out of the portrait hole and completely forgetting breakfast. 


I walk slowly out of McGonagall's class, my brain still aching from my Transfiguration test. Sirius is waiting outside of the classroom, and his face lights up when he sees me. 

"FREEDOM!" He yells, picking me up and spinning me around. I laugh as I start to get dizzy and he puts me down. 

"We should celebrate!" Katie says, coming down the hall with Remus. We manage to find Lily and James, but Peter is nowhere in sight. So we all just go back to the Gryffindor common room to hang out. As we're walking, I notice the halls are pretty empty. 

"Where is everyone?" James asks, glancing around. 

"They're all outside, enjoying freedom while it lasts!" Remus exclaims dramatically, grabbing onto Katie's hand. We make it to the common room and we all sit down, our brains so exhausted. 

"What are we going to do after school, you guys? We'll see each other right?" Lily asks worriedly from James' lap. 

"Of course! You and Katie are both going to be healers while Prongs, Padfoot and I are going to be Aurors!" I didn't mention Remus because he's a werewolf and he couldn't find a job besides the Order that accepted him. He's probably going to live at his parent's house for a while before maybe going to live with Katie or James and Sirius or something. 

"I'm going to go rest upstairs for a while, I'm a little bit tired," Lily says and I stick my tongue out at her. 

"Lily, you little goody-goody!" I tease and she slaps me lightly before walking upstairs. 

"Oh, that reminds me," Remus says, pulling out the Marauders Map and giving James and Sirius a look. He turns to Katie. "Katie, I would like to appoint you an honorary Marauder!" Katie looks beyond confused. 

"A what?" She says, taking the map and examining it. She studies it for a moment. "Is this why you guys call each other those silly names?" We all nod. 

"It's a little late to make you a Marauder, but you can be an honorary one. And you at least deserve an explanation..." 

So we explain everything to Katie, from the werewolf stuff (which she already knew) to the Animagus stuff. Then we show her our forms and she squeals. We can't add her name to the map or anything, so we just call her an honorary Marauder. She was extremely happy about that. 


"Going for a walk again?" I ask Katie as she makes her way to the portrait hole. She had been going on walks frequently, saying she wanted to remember Hogwarts after she leaves. 

"Yep. Tell Remus where I've gone if he asks, okay?" I nod and she leaves, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I think back to all the memories we've had here and smile. All the pranks we've done resulted us in detention, but it really was all worth it. Now James, Sirius and I are going to be Aurors together. Lily and Katie are going to be healers. Peter never told us what he's going to do, he's rarely around anymore. 

My thoughts are interrupted as a patronus, the same as mine, flies into the room. A phoenix.

"Death Eaters are in the castle," it says in Dumbledore's voice, "lead them out and protect the children." Then it disappears. 

Then the phoenix on my ring starts glowing. They've found one of the Order members. 


Ahhhhh, how I love cliff-hangers! Anyways, when it glows it means someone's in trouble, remember? So who do you think it is? Katie? Remus? Sirius? James? Lily? Frank? Alice? I don't even know yet....but stay tuned, people! Action is on the way!

Anyways, vote, comment, fangirl, asdfghjkl;...

Bai, beautiful ;)

-Livvy/Olivia/Plumi/The Ravenclaw Princess <3

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