Summer Vacation

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Sirius, Malfoy and James got a lot of detentions and we all missed the last trip to Hogsmeade. I didn't get in as much trouble since I almost suffocated. All thanks to Malfoy! Now I really hate him, but don't have to deal with him at all over the summer. I'm really sad summer's here, but at the end of it, Katie, Lily and I are going to stay at the Potter's house. It took me a while to convince Lily, but she eventually went along with it saying she would rather be with James then her evil sister Petunia.

We are now on the Hogwarts Express heading to King's Cross to go home. I sigh and lean my head on the window, watching the scenery. I feel Sirius snake an arm around my waist and I blush. Darn him for being so cute! I look over to find Sirius' face inches from mine. His gray eyes look almost sad, but still have that same glint of mischief in them. His hair falls slightly in his eyes and a teasing smirk cascades down his lips. I smile at him.

"I'll see you at James's house, Padfoot, remember?" He nods and buries his face in my hair. I seriously wasn't looking forward to summer. I love my family and everything-but Sirius and I just started dating, and now we had to leave each other. At least I could use Magic outside of school now!

"What're you thinking about, love?" Sirius whispers in my ear, making me shiver slightly.

"How much fun I'm going to have with magic and apparating." He laughs at my expression, which is screaming in mischief. Merlin, he's starting to rub off on me...

"You're so cute when you're being evil," Sirius says and kisses me on the cheek. James pretends to throw up and Lily stares at me with envy. I nod my head towards James and instead of beating the crap out of me, she just turns away and blushes. Did that seriously just happen? James notices her blushing and continues to stare at her for a while. She continues her conversation with Alice and pretends she doesn't notice. She's been acting weird, usually she'd slap him.

"So you see it too?" Sirius whispers.

"Yeah. Do you think she likes him?"

"I don't think se likes him yet...maybe she just despises him less..." I laugh at this and grab his shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. I kiss him lightly on the lips, but when he pulls me in, I recoil. He pouts.

"Oh, don't be a baby," I tease and he pouts again. He's so cute when he pouts!


I'm literally counting down the days until we can go to the Potter's house. My family is always out of the house, leaving me there alone all day. I sometimes hang out with some friends, but usually just stay home and read or something. But finally, the day came and I was more than excited to see all my friends. Everyone was going except Peter, who said he was too busy. Yeah, right.

"Rowan, have you got all your things!" My Dad yells from downstairs.

"Yeah, Dad!" I call back and grab my trunk, owl, and all my things. I apparate down the stairs, making my dad jump slightly. "Ready!" I call and he laughs, grabbing my trunk and putting it in the fireplace. I carry all the rest of my stuff in. "See you, Dad," I say and he waves as I grab my floo powder. "Potter Mansion!" The green flames engulf me for a moment and I feel the strangest sensation of nothingness. It lasts for only a second before I'm stumbling into James's living room. It's a very posh place filled with white couches, lots of moving pictures, and fancy carpets. There's also a lot of breakable things, which I'm surprised are all still intact.

"MUM IS THAT YOU?!" James calls from up the stairs.

"Prongs, it's me!" I yell and hear two pairs of footsteps coming down the stairs. James bounds down first and tackles me in a hug. I look to see who's behind him and my heart skips a beat. "Hey, Padfoot," I say coolly, but he rushes to me, a big smile on his face. He picks me up and spins me around, then kisses me passionately. James groans.

"Oh, get a room!" We pull back and laugh at James's disgusted expression.

"Oh, come off it, Prongs!" Sirius exclaims, walking over to his best friend. "You wouldn't mind if it was you and Lily..." James blushes like a maniac and I laugh out loud.

"Speaking of my ginger friend, where is Lily?" I ask and James checks his watch.

"She should be here-" he's cut off by a knock on the door. James's face lights up and he attempts to flatten down his hair. I can hear him open the door while Sirius and I listen intently. Last time we saw her, Lily had been acting differently towards James. "Hey, Flower," he says and I peek around to see them embrace each other. I mouth 'they're hugging!' to Sirius and he smirks.

"Hey, James," she replies and he helps her with her luggage. "Are the others here?"

"Just Rowan and Sirius. Moony and Katie should be here soon. They said they were coming together." Just as if on cue, I hear someone step out of the fireplace and Katie cough.

"Jeez, that fireplace hasn't been used in ages!" Katie complains. I run into the room and tackle her in an unexpected hug so we both fall to the floor. Then I attack Lily since I didn't really get to say hi to her, then I attack Remus kind of awkwardly. We all talk about our summers for a while and Lily seems to be acting almost nice to James. All of us notice, and keep exchanging knowing glances.

"So I heard you have a lake close by," Katie says to James and he nods.

"Lets go swimming!" Katie exclaims and drags Lily and I up to the girls bedroom to change into our swimsuits.


Sorry it was kinda short! I've been pretty busy lately with projects and stuff. OMG I am gonna b so happy when schools over! Then I can write more :). Okay then, see you all later!


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