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To add on to my perfectly horrible day, it was time for detention with Slughorn.

"I wasn't even done with Divination homework yet!" Katie complains and I roll my eyes.

"We'll finish in the morning, Kate, lets go!" I drag her along all the way to the dungeons and are about to go into Slughorn's office when I hear James and Sirius.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good," Sirius whispers, but I'm not sure where. I hear footsteps around me and Katie yelps.

"Someone pulled my hair!" She squeals and I hear shuffling feet next to me. I mutter a spell wear I heard the footsteps and a cloak flies off to revel Sirius and James, looking surprised.

"Bloody hell, I'm exposed!" James yells, covering himself and I can't help but laugh. Sirius points his wand at a piece of parchment.

"Mischief managed," he whispers and I look at him quizzically. "It's nothing," he says, just as Slughorn comes out. James face palms. Slughorn gives James and Sirius a whole speech about being out of bed after hours. Luckily, Katie and I had the excuse of being in detention.

"I'll be taking this!" Slughorn declares and snatches the map from Sirius.

"But sir!" Sirius says, getting on his knees.

"Have mercy!" James adds, mimicking Sirius. Katie and I giggle. Idiots. Slughorn shoos them away and leads us to his classroom.

"I want all the desks spotless by the time I get back," he announces and Katie and I groan dramatically. He snaps his fingers and cleaning supplies appear. "No magic." We groan again and get to work. My eyes catch on the mysterious piece of parchment and I quickly pocket it without Katie noticing. I leave an identical one in its place and remind myself how genius I am. I should've been a Ravenclaw.


"I scrubbed so much that my hands actually hurt!" I complain, massaging my palms. We slowly make our way up the staircases, hoping they won't change their direction while we're here. We manage to finally make our way back to the common room and find Remus there. I motion for Katie to go up to the dorm while I talk to him. She gives me a smirk and I stick my tongue out as she makes her way upstairs. I take in a deep breath and think motivational things to myself as I make my way to the couch, plopping down beside Remus.

"Hi Remu-what's wrong?" I ask, noticing his terrible condition. He's deathly pale and has sweath trickling down the side of his face. "Accio water glass," I mutter and soon a glass of water has appeared in my hands.

"Thanks," he says, taking a big gulp of water.

"No problem. It's the least I can do to thank you for helping me earlier with Sirius and James." I smile, but he doesn't return it. "Are you sure you're okay? I could take you to the hospital wing if you want..." He shakes his head.

"No I'm fine." He says and I nod reluctantly.

"Why do they have to tease that poor Slytherin boy? It's"

"Cruel," Remus finishes for me.

"Exactly! I mean, embarrassing him like that..." I shake my head. "What did he ever do to them?"

"Lily Evans," Remus answers matter-of-factly and I nod in understanding.

"He still likes her?" Remus nods and I sigh, laying back.

"Do you fancy anyone?" I freeze. I can't believe he just asked me.

"Well.....I-ummm...yeah." I mentally slap myself. Now he's going to ask me who.

"Want to tell me who it is? I promise I won't tell Sirius or James if you don't want me to." He smiles and my heart melts all over again.

"Amos Diggory," I lie and Remus stiffens. "Don't tell the others." He nods and stands up.

"It's getting late...I'm going to turn in." He announces and anger flushes through me.

"You better not be going to tell James and Sirius!" I whisper hastily and he shakes his head. "Okay then...night."

"Night," he says and disappears up the stairwell, leaving me staring after him. Boys are weird.


I do not fancy Rowan. I do not fancy Rowan. I WILL NOT fancy Rowan! I willed myself not to think about her gorgeous, turquoise eyes, or her beautiful, curly hair, or her bravery to stand up for others. I had realized my real feelings when she stood up for that Severus boy, something I was scared to do myself. The way determination gleamed in her eyes, it was just enough to send me head-over-heels for her. When James scooped her up and threatened to throw her in the lake, some of my werewolf instincts kicked in and I had to calm myself down before speaking. Sirius and James are my friends, but they really can be jerks sometimes. I banged my fist on the wall in anger and jealousy, forgetting my werewolf strength. I cursed under my breath for I had created a giant hole in the wall.

"You alright, mate?" Sirius asks, appearing in the doorway. I nod slowly, walking in and flopping down on my comfy bed.

"I think I fancy someone," I admit and curse my habit of being honest.

"Did I just hear Remus say he fancies someone?" James calls, walking out from the bathroom in a towel. Sirius nods and they both look at me expectantly. I don't say anything. "Well who is it?!" James blurts out and I sigh, lying back on the bed.

"It doesn't matter, anyways. She likes someone else."

"C'mon mate, we'll help you win her over," Sirius suggests and I smile but shake my head, turning off the lamp.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," I promise and drift into sleep, thoughts of a certain red haired turquoise eyed girl in my brain.


"Lumos," I whisper as my wand lights up. I could hear the rest of the girls in my dorm snoring, so it was safe to do this now. I had the mysterious piece of parchment in my hand as I tried to remember what Sirius had said when I had heard him under the cloak. Then it came to me.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," I whisper and the map reveals itself. It reads:

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs present the Marauders Map.

I open it and find a map of Hogwarts with names all over it. I recognize my own in the Gryffindor dorm rooms, Slughorn's in his office, and Dumbledore's in his office, pacing. I study the map for a while until my eyes start to water from the light. "Nox," I whisper as the light goes out, engulfing me in darkness as I drift into sleep.

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