Helping Out

640 46 20

Jordan's POV
I was on the tree watching Tom leave the forest. I sighed. I wish we could've talked longer. I made my way back to my base thing. He left my shirt. I picked it up and threw it in my shelter, and I crawled in myself. I curled up in a ball, wrapped my tail around my body, and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. Like earlier, Tom wouldn't leave my mind. I sat up. Maybe I can just catch come fish for now till I get tired.

I crawled over to the river and watched the fishes' movements. Since I'm half cat, my reflexes are faster than normal, and my teeth are sharper but not by much. Once I have one as my target, I quickly pounced on it and bit into it with my teeth. It stopped squirming after a few seconds. Keeping it in my mouth, I found a sharp stick and stood it upright. I stabbed the fish through it for safe keeping.

I quickly walk back to the river and crouched down. I pounced on another fish, bit it, and put it on the stick. I did this procedure for 3 more times, but as I pounced on the 6th one, the sharp fins dug deep into my skin. I hissed in pain and let the fish go. I looked at my hand, there was a scar from bottom right to the top left on my lefthand. Blood was seeping through. I quickly got out of the water and used the shirt as a bandage to cover the cut.

Getting cuts without medical treatment is not the ideal thing you want to do. In the wild it might get infected and spread through out the body. You could lose your hand or anything else that gets infected.

I sighed. Well what can I do? Nothing but to sit here and deal with it. I laced down once again and this time I finally fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

I woke up with more pain on my left hand. It was definitely infected. Oh well. I crawled out of my tiny hut and grabbed one of the fish from the stick, and started to devour it. Now whenever I touch something with my left hand it's going to hurt like hell. I sighed.

Tom's POV
It was around noon right now, and I have the urge to go back to Jordan. I'm kinda worried about him. Why should I be? I just fucking met him. He was alone in the woods. Maybe something happened to him. Why the fuck do I care so much? I was sitting on my couch, head in my hands, fighting with my head. I must look crazy.

Screw it. I got up and walked out the door after I told my mom I was going to the park. Once I got to the park, I walked into the woods.

I arrived at the little campsite and saw that there was fishes on a stick.

"Jordan?" I called out quietly.

I heard bushes rustling near me.

"It's me Tom, from yesterday?" I questioned while looking around.


"Yeah it's me." I saw Jordan walk out of the bushes, I notice he wrapped his shirt around his hand, like a bandage, it had a red taint to it.

"Something happen to your hand?" I'm worried again. What's happening to me?

"N-Not really, I was catching fish and the fins were sharp, so yeah...." He awkwardly scratch the back of this head. I gotta say it was pretty cute. What the fuck am I saying?

"Oh, is it infected? It's not good to cut your hand out here without, like proper bandages and stuff." Why the hell am I concerned?

"I don't know really."

"Let me look." I took a step closer, he flinched.

"No it's okay, I won't hurt you." I reassure, he just nodded.

I walked closer and gently grabbed his hand. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. I carefully unwrap the shirt to reveal a infest cut wound.

"You should get this thing check out man." I said inspecting the wound.

"How? I can't go anywhere without getting kicked out and called a freak. I'm surprised your even talking to me right now." I sighed. I looked at him. He has a point. No one else has fucking cat ears and tail.

"Maybe I can give you a hat or something. To cover your ears with." I suggested

"I don't know. Why aren't you running away from me and calling me a monster?"

There was an awkward silence following that question.

"You just- ya'know looked like you needed help." I shrugged. He just nodded.

"Thank you..." He muttered so quietly I barley heard it.

"No problem man." I finally let go of his hand.

"Well what am I going to do with my tail?" He asked. I had an idea.

"Wait here for a minutes I'm going to get some things. I'll be back I promise." I ran back home. I hope this works.

:D Longer chapter today because I wasn't lazy. YAY! Also I'm going to set a time thingy for my story. Every day around 10 and 12 pm Eastern time zone I will be posting a chapter. Much luv bai <3

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