Updates and whatnot

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Hey guys! This book will end in like 3-5 chapters. Probably more if I update twice a day, which is what I'm probably gonna do. The chapters are gonna be shorter but hey MORE CHAPTERS!! If it ends I don't think I will be able to make a sequel, unless you guys wanna wait for 3 or 5 months. Yes that's how long it's gonna take. After I finish this book I'm taking a break from wattpad and skype. Sorry to all my friends ;-;. LUCKLY, I can answer questions on ask.fm just go on the website or app and search Insanity_Fy. I will also be on Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. Both my Tumblr and Twitter name is Insanity_Fy. My Instagram is _.insanity_fy._ so add me if you wanna keep updated with me. I don't know if I can be on YouTube either. But expect the unexpected. So yeah! Much luv to you all! And I'm really sorry.

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