Poor Jordan

490 37 17

Jordan's POV
I lifted my eyes up to see Tom's face really close of mine. I tried to move and turn, that was a mistake. I let out a painful yelp that woke Tom up. I realized that we were both naked, then I remembered what happened last night.

"Good morning Jordan." He smiled.

I blushed and pulled the covers over me. I heard him chuckle and got out of the bed. I heard his footsteps walk over to the bathroom and turning on the shower. I could barely move. My body was more sore than when I was sick, and I didn't know that was even possible.

After a while I heard the shower stop and Tom asking me a question.

"Hey Jordan are you gonna take a shower?"

"I'll take one when I can actually move." I replied.

He just chuckled and pulled the covers off. I hissed and tugged at the blanket.

"Get off I need to wash this." I could hear the smirk on his face.

I buried my face in the pillow. He just threw the blanket on the ground.

"Come on, Jordan get up we need to go to Tucker's today. We have to check out the house we're buying." He was trying to pull off the bed sheets.

"You're gonna make me go out like this?" I looked at him.

I could barley move, let alone walk. He just smirked and pulled away the bed sheet making me roll over. I tensed up and buried my face in the pillow again.

"Can you at least help me?"

"Do you want me too?" He smirked.

He started to carry me bridal style. I yelp and gabbed his neck. My tail wrapped around my leg. Tom let me down near the shower and walked out, closing the door. I grabbed the counter for support.


I managed to take a shower without falling and breaking my neck. Tom and I were eating breakfast. I was standing since I can't sit and Tom was trying hard not to snicker. I just glared at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Problem Sparkley-dick? Why don't you sit down?" He smirked.

"Shut up." I placed my empty plate in the sink.

"What? I'm just asking." He said as he started to wash the dishes.

"How am I gonna go out like this? Everyone will know! Can't we just check out the house anther time?" I whined.

"No, we arranged this for far too long. It'll be embarrassing to cancel now." He smirked again, he just wants to embarrass me and it's working.

"Ugh! It's gonna be so embarrassing going like this too!" I groaned, I hugged his waist and buried my face in his neck.

As we were talking the door bell rang.

"Go get the door Jordan." I groaned.

"I don't wanna."

"My hands are full with washing your dishes."

"Fines!" I let go of his waist and limped over to the door. I opened it to find Tucker and Sonja. When they saw me moving weirdly, Sonja put her hand over her mouth trying to not laugh, Tucker just smirked and said.

"What happened Jordan? Something wrong?" I just glared at him. They came in and Tom came out of the kitchen.

"Hey guys." Tom greeted and I slam the door shut.

"Damn Jordan, clam down." Tom said.

I just scoffed and limped upstairs. I could hear them laugh downstairs. I was just listening to their conversation.

"We gotta go in two hours, or are you not going because of..... Him?" Tucker questioned.

"I'm making him go." I heard Tom snicker.

"That's so mean, poor Jordan." Sonja giggled.

I just groaned and belly flopped onto Tom's bed. He washed and replaced the bed sheets and blanket so now it smells like lilacs. This is gonna be a long day.

Lol I find this hilarious to write. Much luv <3

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