Jordan Come Back

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Jordan's POV
"Do you love me?"

There was a long pause after I asked him. I felt like I was about to cry. He's gonna say no. I know it. Why did I even ask? I'm such an idiot. I felt hot tears dripping down my face, but a hand wiped them away

"Jordan please don't cry. I care about you strongly but...... I-I ..........."

"You can just say no. You don't have to build up the anticipation. Is this funny to you? Just making feel like there's hope but your just gonna say no at the end?"

"N-No. Jordan, I-I................. "

I felt like running away. So I did, I got up from the bed and ran out. I slammed the front door and ran to the closest place I knew. Tucker's place. Pounded the door with my fist, waiting for it to open. I was sobbing at this point. Tucker answered the door

"Jordan? What are you doing here? Why are you crying? And why are you not covering your ears and tail?" He kept questioning me until I cut him off.

"C-Can I come i-in?" I asked between sobs.

"Yeah of course." He moved out of the way so I can walk in.

I stumbled in and sat on the couch, head in my hands. I continued to sob. James walked out of the corner and saw me. He quickly walked over and sat down next to me. He hugged me and whispered in my ear.

"Shhh. It's gonna be okay. Just tell us what's wrong."

"Yeah man, what happened?" Tucker question.

I quickly caught my breath and tried to explain what happened.

"I-I ask T-Tom if he l-loved me, b-but h-he doesn't." I choked out and kept on crying.

Just then I heard someone's phone go off. Tucker reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He clicked a button and he put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" Tucker asked.

"T-TUCKER HAVE YOU SEEN J-JODAN!!?? H-HE RAN AWAY!!" I heard Tom yell through the phone.

Tucker looked at me. I shook my head no.

"Sorry man, haven't seen him."

"O-Okay, If y-you see him a-anywhere. P-please tell m-me." Tom sounded like he was crying on the other end.

"Alright, I will" Tucker ended the call.

I was basically holding on James for dear life at this point. I was crying on to his shoulder.

"He sounded like he was really upset." Tucker comment. I just nodded.

"How do you know he doesn't love you? He sounded like he really cared about you."

"W-When I a-asked him h-he didn't answer."

"Maybe he's just nervous."


After a while I calmed down and stayed at Tucker's house. I didn't want to go back just yet.

Tom's POV
I looked everywhere for him. The park, the forest, the alleyways he talked about. I couldn't find him anywhere. My face was wet with tears. What if something happened?! What if a car accidentally hit him? What ifs' were running through my head faster than ever. Ugh I wish I just said it. Then this whole fucking this would've been avoided. Why didn't I fucking say it? I said it before but he was asleep at the time. Why the hell am I such a wus and couldn't say it to his face while he was awake? I gave up and went home. I was tired as fuck. I walked back upstairs and got into bed. I missed his warmed.

"JORDAN COME BACK!!" I screamed to no one in particular.

Much luv<3 HA DIDNT EXPECT THIS DID YA! I'm sorry...

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