Do You Love Me?

552 37 38

Tom's POV
I woke up to find Jordan cuddled up on me and his tail wrapped around my arm. I didn't want to wake him up so I just laid there and started at him. He was so cute like his. All peaceful and shit. I was playing with his hair and he started to stir, so I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

He cuddled deeper into my side and started to trace his tail on my arm. What the fuck is he doing? I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"Good morning." He greeted in a happy tone.

"Mornin'." I sat up and he jumped off of me.

"What are we doing today?" He asked.

"Umm I dunno. I just follow Tucker and the others."


Jordan and I were on our way to Tucker's house. I knocked on the door as loudly as I can and yelled Tucker's named like I always do. After a second or two the door open to reveal all my friends in the house.

"Hey guys. What are we doing today?" I asked them.

"Well, we were wondering if you two wanna go to the club tonight." Sonja replied.

"Ya sure I'll go. How 'bout you Jordan?" I turned towards him.

"Umm. I don't really know what to expect. I mean I heard of clubs but I've never been to one."

"It'll be amazing! I show you everything you need to know." James smiled. Suddenly, I got the urge to punch him in the fucking face. I glared at him. If looks could kill, he would be so dead.

"Yeah alright. I'll go then." Jordan smiled back, which made me what to beat the living shit out of James even more.

Tucker saw me glare at James, he looked at me and smirked. Jordan walked in and I follow behind him. Then Tucker pulled me aside into the hall way.

"You fucking like Jordan." He whispered.

"N-No I don't." I denied.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I've been your friend long enough to know when you like someone." He smirked. I gave him the death stare.

"Don't you fucking dare tell ANYONE!" I whisper screamed the last part. I stomped out  into the living room.


We pulled up next to the club. It was around eight or nine right now. The parking lot was packed with people. It took forever to find a parking space. I hopped out of the car and walked towards the entrance. I waited for the rest of the group in front of the door. Drunks were all around. Guys hitting on girls and trying to get them in bed, people stumbling trying to get home, and shouting could be heard all around.

Once everyone was here I told the bouncer my name and he let us in. I have a buddy that works at this place, and her lets us cut the line. Inside, flashing lights, loud music, and people dancing were the only things you can hear and see.

I looked at Jordan. He looked shocked and amazed. I chuckle at his reaction. I grabbed him and pulled him over to the bar.

"Two beers please." I told the bartender.

I handed one to Jordan and when he took a sip he almost gaged. I burst out laughing.

"It burned my throat!" He yelled out the music.

"It's alcohol!" I laughed.

He didn't didn't drink anything after that. I guess cats don't like beer. I was still pretty sober. Jordan was talking about what his YouTube name should be while I was drowning in alcohol. Just then a guy appeared behind Jordan and tapped on his should to get his attention.

"Hey, I'm Dash and let me say you got a fine ass." He smirked.

My blooded boiled my clenched my teeth and my hand turned into fists.

"Uh.. Um. T-Thanks? I guess?" Jordan was tripping over his words.

The guy smirked and slapped Jordan on the ass. That's when I lost it. I punched the guy straight in the stomach and knocked him down. I got on top of his and beat him nonstop until someone pulled me off. Tucker and James where holding me back while Sonja and Jordan were standing there looking shocked.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TOUCH HIM!!! HE IS MINE!!!!!" I scream at him.

All of us got kicked out. I couldn't care less. I was actually happy we left. The others were not really having the time of their lives either.

Tucker dropped Jordan and I off at my place. I apologize and thanked him. I unlocked the door and we walked in. My mom was working overtime today.

We both walked upstairs to get ready for bed.


Jordan and I were in bed just talking about random stuff.

"Hey Tom, why'd you beat the guy up for me?" He questioned.

"Erm... Well your my friend and I didn't want him to hurt you." Calling him a friend was painful.

"But you screamed that I'm yours."


"Tom? Do you love me?"

HA Banana I made you a guy! Also I called you Dash cuz it sounded cooler. Much luv <3

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