The Ring

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•2 Months Later•

Tom's POV
Today was the day. I can't wait. I'm extremely nervous but excited. I hope he says yes. I walked into our room.

"Hey Jordan." I said, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Tom! I'm changing!" He tired to wiggle out of my grasp but I was stronger.

"Too bad." I smirked.

"Ugh. What do you want." He groaned.

"I want to take you out to dinner tonight." He smiled.

"Of course I'll go. Anything with you." I let go and walked out of the room so he can get changed. This has got to be the most nerve wrecking thing I've ever done.

Tucker and Sonja helped me plan the perfect location. We were driving to a cliff side and having a picnic there. While watching the sunset. I'm not really the most romantic person in the world but, I gotta say that sound romantic as fuck. I picked out the ring with Sonja a week ago. It was a plain white gold ring with four diamonds forming a diagonal line on the front of the ring. On the inside of the ring it said 'Jordan'. Mine was the same, just a few lines engraved near the diamonds, and the inside of my ring it said 'Tom'.

I grabbed the black box from under the couch and hid it in my pocket. I can't wait for tonight. It's gonna be the happiest day of my life or most devastating.


As I drive, I got more nervous. We were almost at the cliff side. Jordan was singing and rapping to a song on the radio. He was pretty good. His channel was also blowing up. We haven't announced that we were dating though.

I kept reaching into my pocket to see if the black box was still there. What if he says no? He wouldn't. He loves he! And I love him! I almost want to turn back and do this another time, but I really want to ask now. I'm torn.

After a few more seconds of thinking, we arrived near the cliff side. I stopped the car and got out. Jordan following me, I walked into the forest to reach our destination. When we got there I heard a squeak from Jordan.

"IT'S SO PRETTY!!" He yelped. I chuckle, he was adorable.

There was a picnic blanket on the ground with a basket full of food, and the sun was about to set. This was perfect.
We sat down and opened the basket to see what was inside. Sonja and Tucker made sandwiches, a cake, smoothies, fruit salad, and popcorn. I don't know why they made popcorn but whatever.

After we finish eating almost everything, we laid on the blanket, ate popcorn, and watched the sun set. We asked each other weird questions and told how much we loved each other. When the sun was almost down the hill I brought Jordan and I up. He gave me a confused look. Here goes nothing.... I got down on one knee and took out the box.

"Jordan, I love you with all my heart. Words can't explain how much I love you, but I'll try at least. When ever you kiss me, it makes my heart flutter. When ever you tell me you love me I get this weird feeling in my stomach. I've never felt this way about anyone ever before. You stole my heart when I first laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one. It's kinda early but I never want to leave your side. I don't know what I'll be able to do without you. You make my life a happy place. Please make me the happiest man in the world, ever, and marry me?" I opened the box.

His eyes where tearing up and he covered his mouth with his hand.

"YES!! OF COURSE I WILL!!!" He screamed and jumped. I stood up and he hugged my waist. I hugged back. Once we broke from the hug I slipped the ring onto his fingers. It was a perfect fit and so were we. We hugged one last time.

I was about to leave it one a cliffhanger but I loved you guys too much. Much luv <3

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