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Jordan's POV
I woke up on Tucker's couch. My throat was dry and itchy. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and groaned. I look like shit. My eyes and nose were red and puffy, my hairs messed up, and I can barely breath. I heard someone walk in the doorway. It was Tucker.

"Hey, no offense but you look horrible." He leaned against the wall.

"Well good morning to you to." Sarcasm dripping from my words.

"Hey can I tell you a secret?" He asked.

"Sure, I guess."

"Tom really likes you. He just has trouble tell you face to face. He's not really a sensitive person. He loves you, I'm sure of it."

I sighed. I mean he did protected me from that guy at the bar, and he also helped me off the streets.

"I-I dunno....... What should I do?" I questioned.

"Make the first move? I dunno." He stood up straight and walked towards the kitchen.

Maybe I should go back and tell him I'm okay. As I was thinking the door bell rang. I heard Tucker walking towards the door and opened it I walk out in the living room to see who it was. It was Tom, he looked like he was crying.

"H-Hey dude, I-I spent hours l-last night t-trying to-" He got caught off when he spotted me.

He pushed Tucker out of the doorway and ran towards me. He pulled me in a bear hug and cried on my shoulder.

"J-Jordan I'm s-so sorry. I love you. I-I do. I really d-do." He chocked out.

I hugged back. He loves me!

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have ran away and screamed at you." I wrapped my tail around his leg.


Sonja came over and all of us were playing some weird games. Right now we were playing seven minutes in heaven.

"Alright, write your names on the piece of paper I just gave you and put it in the hat. I'll pick two names and the people picked has to go in the closet together and have some fun." Tucker explained.

I wrote my name and threw it in the hat. Once everyone's names were in, Tucker started to shake the hat to try and mix the names up. He reached in and pulled two pieces of paper out.

"Me and Tom." He announced.

Tom wiggled his eyebrows, making everyone laugh.

"Alright you two have fun in there, I'm setting the timer." Sonja grabbed her phone.

Tucker and Tom walked into the closet and closed the door. This is gonna be interesting. While they were in the closet the three of us talked about what they could be doing in there. Once the time was up the two walked out. Looks like nothing happened. Tucker started to shake the hat again and pull out two names.

"Jordan and James. Oooooh" Tucker made a weird face making all of us laugh again except Tom, he looked angry.

James and in walked into the closet and closed the door. We sat around for a moment.

"Soooooooo...." I tried to break the awkward silence.

"Soooooo..." He repeated.

"This is quiet boring." I thought out loud.


We just sat there and waited until the the time was over. Once we heard the timer go off we quickly walked outside.

"Anything happen in there?" Tucker asked in a weird voice.

"Um no." I answered.

Tom looked furious. Tucker picked out two more names.

"Jordan and Tom. Oh I might have to bleach that floor after they're done." Everyone laughed except me.

My face was burning. It felt so hot that I though I was melting. Tom dragged me into the closet. He shut the door and locked it. He had a evil smirk on his face. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I backed up to the wall as he inched closer. My heart was pounding and I was still blushing. Oh god. What will he do?

:3 What will he do? Find out tomorrow. Much luv <3

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