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Jordan's POV
I was really confused.

"Why?" I questioned.

"After months of denial, I guess this body wanted you out of his mind so he can actually do something again." I frowned. I caused him so much pain. Maybe it's best if I just leave him alone.

"Oh... Well I better be going then." I turned and started to walk off when she grabbed my arm.

"What do you mean your going? You just got back!"

"I've cause him too much pain. Maybe he should just forget about me." I tried to pull my arm away but she was stronger than she looked.

"No! You didn't cause him pain! It wasn't your fault, and he would be happy to see the love of his life is alive!" I'm the love of his life? Then, James' words came rushing into my head.

"How do you know I'm the love of his life? Wasn't he a slut in school? If I was the love of his life HE WOULDN'T HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT ME!!" I started screaming the last part. She looked hurt.

Her grip loosened, I pulled my arm away and started running. Tears streaking down my eyes. Once I reached my house that I shared with Lara, I quickly ran in, shut the door, and broke down in my bed.

How? How could have he forgot? Maybe James was right. He doesn't actually love me. He just used me. I cried harder.

Tom's POV
"HE WOULDN'T HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT ME!!" Was all I heard from the man.

I saw him run off. He looked like he was crying. My heart broke a bit. I wanted to ran after him and tell him everything's alright but I barley know that guy. I guess his name's Jordan. Sonja came back to me and Tucker with tears leaking out her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked. She just shook her head.

"T-Tom do you remember a-anything?" She questioned as Tucker hugged her.

"No. He looked familiar though."

"Tom, do you remember who your first boyfriend was?" Tucker joined in.

I scratched the back of my head. My first boyfriend? I think his named started with an S. Like Special? No. Spacial? No. UGH!! Sp- Spa- Spar- SPARKLEZ! Who was Sparklez? He dropped glitter on his crotch. He............ Had a tail? And cat ears? WAIT!!! The twitching in that guys beanie. The fact that he knows my name. Jordan, Jordan, JORDAN!

"JORDAN!!" I yelled out loud. Everything started to come back to me. The crash, the bad news, his past, my love.

Before Tucker or Sonja could get another word out, I ran after him. I'm not letting him go away again.

Cute.............. Ask me something on ask.fm plz I'm desperate XD much luv<3

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