Thanks, Doc

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Jordan's POV
He leaned in and forcefully connected our lips. I felt pure disgust. His hands slipping under my shirt. I felt tears dripping from my eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!?!?" I heard a British accent scream from the doorway.

It was Tom. He shoved James off of my and punched him in the nose. I pulled the blanket over my head and buried my face in my pillow and cried. You would think I got use to the feeling of someone taking advantage of me because of my past, but I never did. I always felt disgusted and horrible. I heard Tom beating the ever living shit out of James. I would've felt bad but I didn't. He deserves it. I felt someone walk over to my bed and tug on the covers. Wait Tom's beating up James.... Who else is here? I poked my head out to see who was here and came face to face with doctor Lara.

"Hey Jordan are you alright?" She asked, she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw at my head but she just shook it off.

I nodded. She helped me out the bedroom and down into the living room. I was still sobbing. I sat on the couch the put my head in my hands.

"Sorry I didn't come sooner, there were lots of people in at the clinic today." She apologizes.

"I-it's fine." I stuttered.

She handed me a napkin. I muttered a thanks and wiped my tears with it. We could still hear what's going on upstairs. I hope Tom doesn't kill him. I mean he deserves to get beaten up but killing him is a little extreme.

"Can I ask you why you have cat ears?" She questioned. I forgot. I didn't have my beanie.

"I-It's complicated..........." She just nodded. I'm surprised she didn't run away and called me a monster.

"S-Shouldn't you s-stop him?" I questioned Lara.

"You want him to stop? Why?" She seems confused.

"I-I mean I d-don't want T-Tom k-killing him." She nodded and went upstairs.


Lara gave me a check up and some pills. Tom kicked James out of the house and told Tucker and Sonja what happened. I was feeling a bit better than before. Tom's mom isn't coming home for the next few days because of some problems. Since James' definitely not living with us in the new house we have to wait a few more days to save up some money. I was still thinking about what James said earlier today. Could it be true? He must be lying. If Tom didn't love me why would he beaten people up if they ever laid their hands on me? I shake off the thoughts. Lara's shift was over when she came here so she went home after giving me the medicine and instructions to get better.

Me and Tom were cuddled up on the couch watching movies and eating popcorn.

"You sure you're okay?" He kept asking me that question all night.

"Yeah I'm fine. Stop worrying." I snuggled deeper into his chest.

"Alright. I'm always here if you need me, remember that." He kissed my forehead, I blushed.

"I will." I smiled.

I started to does off. I let the darkness engulf me.


I woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up. I felt much better than yesterday. I was in Tom's bed, I though I feel asleep on the couch. I stood up and walked down stairs. I found Tom in the kitchen cooking. I sneaked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Good mornin'." I greeted.

"Mornin' feeling better?" He asked and continues to cook.



Tom, Tucker, Sonja and I were walking around the park just talking about the house. I left the group and went on the swings since I won't be chipping in. I felt bad for having them pay and me just causing problems. I felt someone push me. It was Tom.

"Don't leave me like that, I don't want to be the third wheel all the time." He whined.

"No promised." I chuckled.

He stopped pushing me and sat next to me. I looked into his beautiful brown orbs, and he looked in mine. We smiled at each other. I felt like I was in heaven. Being in love is the most amazing thing to happen. The setting sun made the mood even better. He reached over to me and caressed my cheeks. We leaned in for a kiss. It was amazing as always. I feel like I'm the luckiest neko alive right now. Actually the only neko alive on Earth. I smiled through the kiss.

Cute ending right? Doctor Lara is not as judgmental as others. Also, do you guys want smut? I dunno. If you want smut then the book will have two more chapters until I end it. If not then the next chapter will be the end. Much luv <3 Starlirious I still can figure out how to do this.

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