Matter of Time

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Zoro looked around. It was dark. A little lights were flying around just like stars. The boy lift his hand and put it on his face. It was wet. He looked down and saw that the grownd he was sitting on was also wet. Zoro stood up. He couldn't see anything around. Then he made a few steps. The sound of his footsteps on the water was disturbingly loud. He was walking and walking, the dark space didn't seemed to have an end. The lights we're flying around him and when one of them passed next to his ear he heard the raspy voice once again but this time he felt a little pressure on his left shoulder. "Zoro..." The voice said quietly. The swordsman froze, slowly realizing who was behind him. He turned his head and his eyes met the shiny smiling eyes of his friend. Zoro instantly turned around hugging the man, squeezing him tightly as if he would disappear any moment. "Sanji..." he whispered his body trembling when he felt that the boy was returning the hug. They stood there for God know how long holding each other in their embraces. After a couple of minutes Zoro realised that Sanji was way too tall from normal. The boy slowly pulled and looked down. Sanji wasn't standing on the ground. He was... 'flying?' Zoro thought. The blond was a few inches above the wet ground. The swordsman grip on the cook's back tightened.

"Hey, Zoro, you OK?" Sanji asked. The green haired boy shook his head. "Hey, let's sit down shaw we?" The cook suggest.
Bought of them sat, crossing their legs facing each other. Minutes passed in silence which Zoro broke. "What are you?"

The cook let out a sigh. He lit his cigarette and inhailed the smoke. And then answered: "Part of your dream."

   "So you're not Sanji?" His voice trembled.

   "I am." The scent of his cigarette hit Zoro.

   "Why am I having such a dream?

   "Why? Is it bad dream?" The cook asked and looked around.

   "No, it's the most calm from God know how long."

"How long has it been since I'm gone?" Sanji asked. Suddenly the swordsman remembered all  those heavy days and weeks.

   "Two and a half months." Zoro said. His expression was painfully sad.

   "Don't look like this." The cook smiled at him and pat him on the shoulder. When Zoro felt the blond's hand touched his skin he felt shiver runn down his spane. He was cold as ice.

   "You know, I came here because... " Sanji paused and looked away from Zoro's eyes. "...I have something I want to tell you....and I feel that this is the only time that I will ever have a chance to say it properly." His voice trembled.

   "What do you mean?" Zoro asked.

   "Just having bad feelings as always." Another cloud of smoke came from his mouth.

   "Will you stop smoking? I can't see your face because of the smoke." Zoro said and pulled the cigarette from his mouth.

   "Hey, give it back. I want to finish it." The cook reached out to get it but the swordsman moved his hand not letting Sanji take it. "You know—" He started but then he looked at him and paused amused at the sight before him. Zoro put the cigarette on his lips and inhaled deeply making it burn almost till the end. Then slowly released the smoke in Sanji's face. The cook's eyes went wide open and then he blinked a couple of times. This damn marimo was smoking? 'What the hell?' The thought.

   "It's gone." He said and throw the cigarette away. "Now tell me." Zoro moved closer and stopped when their foreheads touched. Sanji's heart started beating louder and louder.

   Now he finally had the chance to tell him. To reveal himself. And he promised that he'll never regret it. "Zoro... I-I'm— I mean that...  It's hard to say it. What I want to tell you that..." Sanji's hands were trembling and he closed his eyes trying time escape from Zoro's glaze. "I've been watching over you—... I mean over you guys, and I started feeling this heavy felling right here..." he touched his chest where his heart was beating like crazy. "I don't understand why should have this happened to show me the truth!"

   "Tell me."

   "I like you." Sanji whispered.


   "I LOVE YOU!" Sanji screamed clenching in Zoro's shirt. His whole body was shaking. Zoro put his head on the cook's shoulder. "Me too." The blonde eyes widened. " much."

   The cook smiled and look at his friend. Zoro's hand caressed his cheek and closed the distance between them then slowly pressed his lips against Sanji's. The swordsman liked his lips asking him for entrance without words. The cook opened his mouth and felt Zoro's tongue on instant. The kiss felt so good that Sanji didn't want it to end. It was addicting. He grabbed Zoro's hair and pulled him closer. The swordsman grip around his waist tightened.

   Then they heard a quiet ring from some kind of church bell. Sanji pulled away from the kiss and look at Zoro with pained expression. "What's the matter?" The swordsman asked. The blonde pulled away from him and stood up. "I gotta go Zoro."

   The boy stood up quickly and asked with voice in which easely could be read some kind of agony and fear. "What!? Where!?"

   "I still don't know." The cook answered quietly. Realizing the situation that they were in a little salt tear escaped Zoro's eye.

   "It's not true? Isn't it? Please tell me!" The green haired boy whispered.

   "I can't tell you if I don't know the answer idiot!" Sanji said. Zoro looked the man before him. His waterly eyes, tears falling from them like a waterfall. The blonde moved toward the swordsman and kissed him, deeply, craving for everything he was holding right now. But then suddenly the touch disappeared. Zoro tryed to hug him back but his hands flew trough him. He couldn't feel him anymore. "Farewell Zoro." Sanji was disappearing before his eyes. "I love you."

   "When will I see you again, Sanji?" Zoro asked. The boy vanished in the darkness. The bell stopped ringing. The flying lights disappeared.


Zoro woke up in the boys dorm. Here it was dark as well. He put his hand on his eyes. A sudden whisper made him froze. "Someday..." He rubbed his eyes and let out a painful sigh.

  "God damn this dream!" He turned his head toward the little window. "So it's a matter of time..."

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