Chapter 1

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Kate's POV

I sit in my room and just stare at the wall thats all i really do any more. I watch YouTube every once In a while on my phone but i do that at night when everyone is asleep. If I don't wait than it will get stolen from me from the other kids. I HATE THIS PLACE. The food stinks,The kids stink,the evil wicked witch of the west runs this place,And I'm 17. No one wants a 17 year old. They always come for the little kids. I have to wait for my 18th birthday to get out of this hell hole. The only good thing of this place is I have my own room. What am I going to do till 10 pm? I get up,put on my jacket and walk out of my room. I head for the door but get cut off.

"KATE! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" The witch yells at me from the other side of the house.

"LIKE YOU GIVE A CRAP ABOUT ME!" I yell back and go out the door. Cold air hits my face. I sigh and walk down the street to a Starbucks. I walk in and order a hot coco. I pay,I grab my drink,and walk out. As I walked down the street, Snow starts to fall slowly. Snow flakes hits my face. I have always loved Winter. It's so beautiful. So peaceful. In the way home I started to feel sick. Like I'm going hungry.  All of a sudden I get a head ace and everything starts to hurt. I deicide to run back to the orphanage. When I get back a rush to my room so i don't have to talk to the witch. I lock my room door, and lay down on my bed to sleep off the pain, But can't.I start to get really hot and I take off my jacket. Which is weird because this house does not have a heater. Than everything goes black.


First chapter for this book done! yah!

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