Chapter 9

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Lachlan's POV

I explained to her and she just blinked. She all of a sudden looks in pain and falls out of her chair. I quickly jump out of my seat to help her. The guys get up and try to help me with Kate. I roll her over to see her eyes closed. She passed out so quickly, what happened?

"Lachlan what did you do?!" Preston yells at me.

"I did nothing! You need to shut up Preston!" I yell back and Rob comes over to me and hands me a wet towel. I move her hair out of her face, and slowly put the towel on her forehead. I hate seeing her like this! I feel so useless I can't stop her pain. Maybe I'm not for her. I'm suppose to protect her, but I can't. Maybe Preston could have stopped this. Ugh! I hate myself!

"Mitch can you heal her?!" I ask him getting worried. He puts his hand on her head and nothing happens.

"I can't. I just found out about being a healer I'm still learning... But I can tell you she will live. I can feel her soul it's still inside her." Mitch says to me.

"Okay but can you try again tomorrow?" I ask him.

"We can try tomorrow and tonight. I will try to figure this out." He say to me.

"Ok in the mean time, Preston, Rob can you help me carry her to her room?" I ask them, and they nod. We slowly pick her up and walk to her room. We set her down. We left her room and hope for the best.

~ a few hours later ~ 

We sit in the living room trying to get our minds off of Kate. Mitch comes running into the room.

"Ok I'm Lachlan can I try something?" He asks me and I nod nervously. He walks over and puts a hand on my wrist. He freezes and his eyes go sliver and than quickly pulls away.

"Mitch what was it?" I ask him.

"I saw your heart and soul. I could feel your pain." He says and try's something else. He puts a hand on my cheek. His eyes go sliver again and pulls away again.

"You are blood type A with some wolf blood, and your perfectly healthy." He says to me.

"Your actually right Mitch. Why does your eyes go sliver?" I say.

"Oh that's what happens when I focus on the person. Ok I'm ready to try to heal Kate." He says and we walk to her room. Mitch puts his hand on her wrist and goes in to focus. When he pulls way he seems shocked.

"She seems fine her soul is still here and her heart is ok." He says and does the same but touches her cheek and pulls away.

"I can only tell you she's alive and that she is defiantly unique. Let me try on more thing." He says and lays his hands on Kate's. He goes into focus and Kate opens her eyes but Mitch does not pull away he stays focus.

"Lachlan.... What happened?" She asks weekly.

"Kate! Your here! You passed out a few hours ago." I say to her.

"Lachlan. Mitch is in my soul he woke me. He can only do this for a few minutes.... " she says and blacks out again and Mitch pulls away and cried a little. 

"D-did i-it work? D-did s-she come back?" He asks in sobs.

"Yes but only for a minute, more importantly what happened? Are you ok?" I ask him.

"Yes I'm ok, I went into her soul and tried to wake her up. I walk into her soul and saw her but only for a moment." He says and cried some more.

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