Chapter 4

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Preston's POV

I hope I did not scare her. There is something about her thats different i don't care thats she's different just i want to know what's different about her. I sit down in my  gaming chair and open Minecraft. I join  the Skype call with Lachlan,Vikk,and Rob.

"hey dood. What's up?" Rob asks me.

"Nothing much. So what are we playing?" I ask them.

"Micro Battles!" Vikk yells of excitement. I go to the Mineplex I mute us so Vikk can't hear us talking.

"Lachlan! Get Vikk to calm down!" I yell.

"Wat?! Why me?!" He says.

"Your the only one he listens to!" Rob says.

"Ok fine!" He says and I turn the sound back on so Vikk can hear us again. 

"Ok ok Vikk can you calm down? Please for me." Lachlan says.

"Ok Lachly I will calm down." Vikk says. Rob was right about Vikk. I totally ship Vikklan.

"What lobby are we getting into?" Rob asks.

"Me and Vick are in lobby 17" Lachlan says.

"Ok I'm on Preston?" Rob says than asked me.

"I'm on, I will do the intro ok get ready! No swearing!" I say to them.

~time skip to after the ended the recoding~

"Ok so I have some time do you guys want to talk?" I say.

"Yah sure." They say and we all turn on our face camera.

"So Preston how are you doing?" Rob asked me with worry in his voice.

Kate's POV 

I wake up and hear Preston yell. Oh he's recording,and perfect time to scare him. I open my door and creep down the hall to Preston's office. I slowly open the door and he is talking to his some friends on Skype. He must have finished recording. I walk up behind him slowly and  I see Rob,Lachlan, and Vikk notice me seeking up on him. I quickly put my finger to my lip signaling them to stay quiet before they let Preston know I'm there.

"PRESTON!" I yell and he falls out of his chair and onto the floor. I start to laugh and i look up and the guys on the screen are also laughing.

"Really?! Why did you do that?!" Preston says still on the floor.

"You left your guard down and it was so tempting to scary you so I did." I say smiling and sitting down in his gaming chair.

"Hi!" I say waving at the camera.

"Why hello there. I'm R-" he starts to say but I cut him off.

"Your Rob or woofless." I say. " I watch youtube but not very often... Not that any of you are boring it just I never really had time to watch youtube." I continue to talk as Preston gets up off the floor.

"So who a-" Vikk starts but I cut him off too.

"Your Vikk, or vikkstar123." I say. "And blonde over here is Lachlan." I continue and point to Lachlan on the right of screen.

"Wow Preston you have a nice girlfriend here." Lachlan says. 

"She's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend!" He yells from behind me.

"He's right we are just friends." I say.

"Aww really? You two would be cute together!" Vikk fan girls.

"Ok I'm leavening bye! Nice to meet all of you!" I say to them and get up and leave. Before I leave i see Preston sit down and continue to talk to the guys. They were all really nice and They all liked me. I walk back to my room and lay down my mouth started to hurt again. Great here we go again

Lachlan's POV 

We talk some more but I can't get Kate out of my head. She was wearing a beanie. why? I know Preston has a heater so isn't she hot under that hat? Is she one? Maybe she is should I ask Preston? I am a wolf hybrid we all are well except Vikk, Jerome and Mitch. Jerome is a bacca hybrid and Vikk, and Mitch are human as far as we know. Mitch and Vikk know about hybrids. so we're are all ok with each other.

"Um. Preston, is she? you know." I ask him.

"I have no clue she devoured meat in minutes,she keeps going to her room, and she where's that beanie almost 24/7. But when I pulled it off her I did not see any ears." He says.

"But she could have hid them we all can." I say.

"Yah we can but if your a wolf hybrid when your 17 you get your ears. It took all off us years to learn how to hide our ears. She's only 17! So if she did than she is very strong, much stronger than any hybrid I've seen." He says to me.

"Your right.. Does she know abo-" I start but he cuts me off.

"No and she can not know!" He yells in anger at me.

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