Chapter 10

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"I know I miss her too. Everything will be ok." Jerome says trying to get Mitch to stop crying.

"No, I miss her but that's not it.. I saw her childhood up till she was 5 than I had to pull out or it would have killed me." Mitch says in more tears.

"She is still ok..." Mitch says and passes out.


"Jerome he will be ok, he needs rest he was in Kate's soul for a while he will be ok. He not very strong yet but the more he does this he will get stronger." Rob says to Jerome he stops crying and Carries Mitch to his room. I wish everything was ok for a moment. 

~ a week later~

Every time Mitch goes in to Kate's soul he passes out but wakes up the next day. Mitch is able to keep Kate a wake for a few hours now, long enough for her to eat a little. Mitch has learned new tricks and has got very strong.

"Um guys I want exempt to wake up Kate for good." Mitch says to us.

"Really?" I ask getting excited.

"Oh my gosh Mitch! You've gotten so strong!" Rob says in pure happiness, we all get excited and start to talk about what we should do when Kate wakes up.

"Wait guys.... Mitch you seem different... What are you not telling us?" Vikk asks Mitch, and he goes quiet.

"Mitch.. Please tell us." Preston says.

"Umm I can wake Kate up for good.. But It might cost me... It possible I won't come back, but there's no way on knowing." He says.

"NO MITCH. You can't.. I won't let you." Jerome says.

"Yah Mitch we will find a different way" Rob says to him.

"You don't get it! There is no other way!" Mitch yells at us.

"Please Mitchy don't do it we don't want to loose you." Jerome says to Mitch reaching for his hand. Mitch pulls away.

"No. I want to do this! It's my life and You can't stop me. She has been in so much, I've seen it all. When she was beaten,when she met Preston,what it's like in a orphanage, how she felt when Lachlan was hurt. How she feels for all of us. I FELT ALL OF IT AND SEEN IT! She need to have some kind of happiness in her life." Mitch says to Jerome in tears. Jerome starts to cry and shakes his head no.

"HER LIFE IS ALL CRAP! SHE NEEDS SOMETHING HAPPY TO REMEMBER! We've all grown up with our parents! She did not! And the rest of her family line abandoned her! I've never been beaten, non of have! She was beaten so many time I can't count them! SHE HAS BEEN IN THIS WORLD FOR 17 YEARS ALONE! She's never had anyone care for her! Every time I go into her soul I can feel all her pain at once! She never deserved any of it! I CAN HELP HER BUT YOU WON'T LET ME! I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL WANT! I care for all of you too much to let this continue. I want it to stop and I will make it stop! " Mitch yells at all of us and runs out of the house.




Alone...? |The Pack|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora