Chapter 13

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*trigger warning

Lachlan's POV

"Lachlan... Kate's been cutting." Mitch says to me and every one goes silent. I take my hands off Mitch and back up. 

"S-she was cutting?" I ask him and he nods slowly.

"Why did you not tell me earlier?!" I say getting angry.

"She told me not to tell you. I'm sorry Lachlan. She is ok she will wake up soon." Mitch says to me. I get angrier and I turn my eyes and feel my canine sharpen.

"Lachlan calm down. Put your eyes away. He did what Kate asked." Rob says to me. Go back to normal and walk calmly over to Mitch. And sit next to him acting like I'm not mad.

"We are going to check on Kate." Rob says to us and everyone leave expect me and Mitch. I slug Mitch in the gut.

Vikk's POV

We walk to Kate's room to check on her. I hope she wakes up soon everyone is falling apart. I get a massive head ace all of a sudden. I've been like this for a few days not feeling well, but I don't think I'm sick. All of sudden everything goes white and I yell in pain.

"Guys it hurts. I'm in pain, but it's not mine.... " I yell.

"Vikk! Who's hurting?" Jerome asks me.

"Ugh! Ah! I don't know! But it hurts..." I say starting to cry.

"Try to see please. Is it Kate?" Preston asks me. I try to visualizes the persons pain. I'm scared to see the person. He gets hit again.

" Mitch!"yell in pain and I feel someone grab me. They set me down to the floor with them.

"Vikk buddy it's Rob. Preston and Jerome went to check on Mitch. Tell me what happened." He says in a soft voice trying to get me to calm down.

"Everything hurts. Everything is white. Rob help me. Please make it stop." I say to him.

"It's ok Vikk. Your going to be ok. Can you try to pull out of the white." He says to me.

"I can't I'm hurting to much." I say to him and start to close my eyes.

"No Vikk don't close your eyes. Stay here Vikk." Rob says to me and I here someone run over to us.

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