Chapter 5

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Rob's POV

"No! And She can never know!" Preston yells at Lachlan and his eyes start to turn blood red.

"Ok, ok calm down P-Preston,  y-your e-eyes a-are t-turning." I says with a scared tone. Preston was the strongest out of all of us and Preston has a little bit of a temper.


"Ok ok we won't tell her but Preston if you keep yelling Kate is going to come back, and if she comes in here you will not have time to change your eyes back. If you don't calm down you might lash out on her, and I know you don't want to hurt her. So please calm down." I say to him.

"Ok, I'm sorry for lashing out." Preston says as his eyes slowly turn back to brown.

"It's ok Preston. We get it and none of us are mad at you,You want to protect her." Lachlan says, And we all agree with he said.

"Thanks and I do want to protect her." Preston says putting his head in his hands.

"Preston we are here for you. We will always have your back." I say to him and he nods.

"Hey cactus? Can we come visit you this week. For about a month? Because we all have not seen each other in forever,and maybe we can help you with Kate. All six of us! Even Jerome and Mitch too! Please!" Lachlan asks Preston.

"Fine yes you can all come. I will invite the other two. But Kate is sleeping in one of the guest rooms so someone is sleeping on the couch! And the other four will share the other two room. Okay?" Preston says to us.

"Ok  we will fly in this weekend." I say to him.

"Ok that's cool I have to go bye guys!" He says and drops out of the call.

~3 days later~

Preston's POV

"Kate lets go! We need to pick up the guys!" I yell grabbing my car keys.

"Ok! I'm here no need to yell." She yells in my ear, and I laugh at her. I quickly turn around to face her and pick her up and throw her over my shoulder. I walk out the door and close the door behind me. I lock up the front door. I open the passenger door and put her down in her seat.

"Thanks Preston but you did not have to carry me over your shoulder." She says to me and I ignore her . I close her door and get in the car and drive to the airport.

~time skip to the airport~

We walk in the airport and head to where Rob's flight was suppose to land. I see the back of Rob's head. We walk behind a pillar so Rob can't see us.

"Can I screw with him? Please?" Kate asks me.

"Hell yes! but what are you going to do?" I ask her.

"You'll see." She says and walks behind Rob.

Kate's POV

I walk behind Rob and decide to flirt with him just for fun. I put my hands over his eyes.

"Hey. You're pretty cute." I say in a deeper voice and trying not to laugh. I hear Preston trying not to laugh also.

"Umm. Thanks? If I knew what you looked like I think you would be pretty cute your self." He says.

"Wow thanks. I have to good bye cutie." I say and quickly walk to the bathroom that's right next to me before Rob can see me. I wait a few minutes and walk out. I walk over to Preston who is now talking to Rob.

"Hi." I say putting my hand out to Rob.

"Hi." Rob says shaking my hand. 

"I'm Kate. It's so good to finally met you."

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