Chapter 18

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*I'll tell you when to play the song :)

*little trigger (Its slightly mentioned but wanted to tell you)

Lachlan's POV

What the hell just happened? I grab my coat and run out the door. I see Kate get into Preston's car. I run to the passenger side and open the door. I quickly get in the car before she can stop me.

"Lachlan get out please." She says kinda pissed and I just shake my head at her. She pulls out her phone and texts someone. When she finished she smiles and shifts in her seat. She pulls he knees to her chest and turns to lean her back on the driver door. I all of a sudden hear my door open. I turn to see who opened but before I could Kate kicks me out of my seat and on top of someone on the ground. She leans over closes my door than backs out and drives off.

"Ow! Get the hell off me!" I hear the person from under me yell. I quickly get up to see Preston on the ground.

"What the hell happend?!" He yells standing up.

"Kate kicked me out of the car. Literally!" I yell in frustration.

"Ha!" He yells and I walk back into the house what the hell was that?

~15 minutes later~
I hear the front door slam and someone come walking into the kitchen. I get up and walk over to them. Kate is looking at her phone at something. I walk up be hind her and wrap my arms around her waist she puts her phone in her jacket pocket and grabs the tray with the coffee, and pulls it closer to her. She pulls mine out and sets it on the counter she than pulls away from me and walks to the guys rooms. What. Just. Happend? She later comes back to grab her coffee and sits on the counter. She pulls her phone out and drinks her coffee. I walk over to her and stand right in front of her. She looks up at me and devilish smile appears. She puts her phone down and her coffee. She grabs my hand pulling me a little closer and leans close to me. I smile at her.

"Can I kiss u already?" I ask her and she pulls away from me looking pissed and walk away. Once a again what the Hell?

~ next day ~
I wake up and walk to the kitchen. Kate is sitting on the counter again. She's wearing almost the same thing as yesterday. I walk up to her and she ignores me. She walks to the living room and I follow her. She sits next to Preston and I sit on the other side of her.

"Lachlan, I... we.... I'm upset... with you." She says to me.

"What? Why? Preston was acting like u where his and I could not take it." I say to her.

Kate's POV

Doses he not get it?! I almost had a panic attack! Preston attacked because he got jealous!

"Lachlan I can't stand that you acted that way! You triggered Preston and caused me to get f!#king hurt! you ass!" I yell at him and everyone starts to stare.

"Mitch can heal everyone every freaking time! He needs rest you ass holes! He can't do that if you all start fighting again! I'm sick of almost all of you! I hate this! I thought coming here would fix everything but I was wrong! I don't want to be here! You should have let me die because out here is worse than slowly dying!" I yell and started at them.

"I don't need this! I don't want this." I say starting to cry harder.

"Lachlan... what was yesterday? and whats in a week?" I ask him, but he stays quiet. I almost slapped him but I stopped.

"Really? you don't know? LACHLAN! YESTERDAY WAS MY BIRTHDAY! MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!..... I was so happy to be wake, to spend it here,to spend it with people like me... to spend it with you. BUT YOU FORGOT! I SHOULD SLAP YOU, BUT I'M A BETTER PERSON THAN YOU!" I yell at him and the rest of the guys just look scared.

"YOU ALL NEED TO LEARN HOW TO CONTROL YOUR SELF! I WON'T BE HERE TO BREAK UP EVERY SINGLE FIGHT! SO GET YOUR HEADS RIGHT. We have other things to care about. Vikk can feel other emotions and reads minds, but needs help to learn how to use them! Mitch is trying not to fall apart! I still feel depressed!"

"Were done!"

Ok so long chapter. yay :)

please comment i want to talk to you guys! want to hear your thoughts on this book even if the chapters are old. Tell me what you think. I also want to say thank you for all the people who have followed me so far so thank you so much and thank you for reading this book!

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