Chapter 3

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Preston's POV

We talk for a while till we get back to my place. I open my door and set her on the couch. I turn around and close my door.

"I'm going to get you some ice and make sure my guest room is cleaned for you." I say.

"Thanks but I can just sleep on the couch." Kate says.

"Um, no Katie you are my guest and you deserve the best." I say and walk to the kitchen. I grab my ice pack and walk back to Kate. I hand it to her and walk to the guest room. The clean sheets are on. I grab some extra blankets and some towels just in case. I walk back to Kate and she's focusing on her ankle. I just stare at her for a while. She notices me and smiles at me. I feel like I've seen that smile before. What ever. It does not matter.

"Ok the room is ready." I say while picking her up.

"Are you going to do this every time?" She asks me. I nod at her and walk her to the room. I set her down on her bed.

"Good night Katie I'm around the corner if you need me." I say to her. 

"let me take off your beanie you must be hot" I say reaching for her hat. But she grabs onto it.

"No I'm good I'm cold." She says.

"Ok" I say and turn off the light and leave.

Kate's POV 

I can't believe that is Preston from youtube! Ive seen him before! And not to mention but That was so close! When he leaves I get up and jump on my good foot to the door I close it and lock it. Good I'm safe for tonight. I jump back to my bed and sit down. I take my beanie of and let my ears fall. I change to the shorts that ripped for my tail when I changed to let my tail loose. If I'm a hybrid can I change into a wolf? I know I can't get rid of the ears and tail but can I shift? I will look into it later. I lay down and drift to sleep.

~next morning~

I wake up and sit up. I go to my bathroom that's attached to the room to change. I put on my beanie again and a my chemical romance shirt and jeans. I look the mirror to fix my hair, but all of a sudden My eyes change color from brown to white. I smell sausage I'm hungry. I try to change my eyes back. It takes a few try's but they go back. I quickly walk to the kitchen to eat so my eyes don't change.

"Good morning Kate. I guess your ankle is better."

"Good morning to you too. Yes it is and Is that sausage and bacon I smell?" I ask.

"Yep here is your plate." He says to me and hands me my plate with a fork. I sit down and eat. I quickly finish and Preston looks at me.

"What?" I ask him and put my plate in the sink.

"Nothing I just love your smile. Do you have and siblings? Maybe I know them." He asks.

"No my dad disappear and my mom died and there family just disowned me. So no." I say.

"I'm sorry for asking." He says.

"It's fine I got over it." I say sitting on the counter. He comes and sits with me and hugs me. I smile at him and My mouth starts hurt. Let me guess it's another wolf thing.

"Um Preston I'm going to go get my phone real quick." I say. He nods at me and I walk to my room. I walk to my bathroom and look into the mirror. Ok so my eyes are still the same no new hair. I open my mouth and see my canine teeth are sharper. Ugh! What else do I have to take care of cause I'm a hybrid!

"Umm Kate? Are you ok?" I turn  to see Preston in the door frame of my bathroom.

"Umm yah I'm fine. I... something in my teeth" I say and smile. I quickly close my mouth realizing I just showed him my teeth.

"Wow Katie you have very sharp canines." Preston says coming a little closer.

"Katie.." He says but stops and pulls my hat off. I was expecting him to scream or yell, but nothing. I look in the mirror and my ears are gone. Did I hide them? Can I do that? I tried to do that before how come it does that now? Maybe only when I'm scared? I really need to get this figured out.

"I thought you were hiding some kind of Weapon or something." He says and I just fake laugh.

"Very funny... I'm going to sleep some more." I say trying to get him to get out.  Because I don't know how long I can hide my ears for.

"Ok I will get out and let you sleep. I will be recording if you need me." He smiles at me and leaves. Thank god. I feel my ears come out, and I put my beanie back on. I lay down and close my eyes and drift off to dream world.


Yay! Another chapter I will update tomorrow again :))))))))))))))) 

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