Chapter 11

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Mitch's POV

I run out the house and around it so Jerome can't find me. As soon as he walks down the street, I walk back into the house and sneak into Kate's room.

"It's ok Kate I'm going to get you back." I say sitting next to her lifeless looking body.

"Mitch! Don't do it please." Hear from across the room. I look up to see Jerome at the door.

"Jerome I have to try it may not even kill me. Please Jerome." I say back to him.

"Mitch, we all care for you. Don't do it!" Jerome yells at me.

"No you can't talk me out of it." I yell back and position my self to focus.

"I don't want you killed! Don't kill your self Mi-!" He yells but I quickly put my hands on Kate's and go into focus.when I go into focus I see a gold light and I walk into it. When I walked through it I see Kate's soul. She looks so beautiful, so angelic.

"Hello Mitch how are you? How are the boys?" She asks me.

"I'm fine and the guys are ok I guess." I respond back.

"How is Lachlan?" She asks me.

"He misses you a lot. I'm here to wake you up for good Katie." I say and walk closer to her soul.

"Mitch no. It will kill you. I'm fine I will wake up soon. Remember it's hard to kill a legendary. Mitch you almost gave your life for me why?" She says to me.

"I hate for people to be In pain. I've seen your entire life up to now. I wanted your pain to stop." I say to her.

"Mitch that is so nice of you to do. But I'm fine I should wake up tonight. Oh and Mitchy there is someone who has a massive crush on you and it's not me." She says  and makes me wake up. I pull away my hands and smile at what she said.

"Mitch! Your alive! How?!" Rob yells getting all the guys attention. I stand up and walk to the door.

"I did not try to wake Kate up she's fine and will wake very soon." I say and walk to my room and lock the door. I curl up and start to cry. I know why she passed out, she still needs us. She's not ok and has not been since the beginning. I've lied to them the entire time, cause I did not want them to worry. Now it's eating me from the inside! I need to tell them now. They need to know about her. I stand up and open my door and there stands Jerome.

"Hey Jerome I need to ta-"  I say but stop. Jerome's been crying too. He pulls me into a hug.

"Mitch don't you ever scare me again. Please don't. I care so much for you." He says with a sad tone.

"I won't I'm sorry." I say looking into his eyes. We stare at each other for a moment than Jerome leans forward and kisses me.

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