Chapter 15

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Mitch's POV

"MITCH!" Some one yells for me from down the hall. I sit up to go help them.

"Mitch what are you doing?" Jerome asks me getting everyone else attention.

"I'm going to help them." I say trying to stand with out hurting.

"No Mitch sit down, you need to rest." Jerome says grabbing my arm.

"Jerome let go, I'm going to help, that's what I'm meant for." I say to him trying to pull away.

"Mitch sit down if you keep moving your going to hurt yourself even more,  I will not let you get hurt even more. Your the most important thing right now." Jerome say to me gripping harder. 

"Jerome your hurting me. Your really going to start this?" I say to him and he says nothing.

"JEROME! LET GO OF ME!  I WILL NOT LET SOME ELSE GET HURT! " I pull harder and he let's go. I start to walk towards to where the yell came from. When I get to the hall to see Vikk on the floor in tears with Rob and a girl...

"Oh my gosh Katie.." I say and she looks up. She runs over to me and hugs me tight.

"Ow! Ow! Stop!" I yell and she let's go.

"What happened?!" She asks me.

"Nothing I'm fine. Your awake. What's happening?" I say to her.

"I woke up and heard crying and that's all I know." She says and I nod Kate helps me over to Vikk.

"Vikk buddy,tell me whats wrong?" I ask him.

"Mitch? Your ok now right? All I see is white." Vikk says to me.

"What do you mean your ok now?"I ask him.

"I could feel your pain and Lachlan's pain. I got a bad head ace and could feel pain but i knew it was not mine, than I saw you in pain. I can't get out of the white." Vikk says to me.

"Wow ok hold on." I say and I put my hand on Vikk's cheek. I quickly go into focus. Nothing is wrong with him he's healthy. He can only get of the white by himself. I go out of focus and try not to pass out.

"Vick you need to try to go out of focus. I can't do anything." I say and he nods.

"How do you do it? Go out of focus." He ask me.

"I think of the world I see everyday." I say and he nods. Everyone one goes quiet.

"Kate, it's good to see you." Vick says and smiles.

"Vikk you did it!" I yell and hug him.

Kate's POV

it's so good to see them. I'm so glad to be awake. I need to see Lachlan right now.

"Where are the rest of the guys? I want to surprise Lachlan." I ask them.

"In the living room." Rob says as Mitch and him pick up tried Vikk. I nod and walk to the living room. As I walk in I see Lachlan talking to Jerome and Preston. Jerome sees me and I shake my head no. I walk up behind Lachlan and put my hands on his hips. He gasps and turns around. Before he can say anything I grab his face and kisses him. I wrap my arms around Lachlan's neck and he puts his hand on my hips. I smile in the kiss and pull away from him. He smiles at me and I hug him tighter.

"Lachlan I've missed you so much." I whisper and I pull away from Lachlan and hug Preston and Jerome. Than Rob comes in with Vikk and sets him on the couch.

"What happened?" Preston asks Rob.

"We had a little problem we'll talk about later, Jerome help me with Mitch." Rob says and they walk back down the hall.

"What's up with Mitch?" I ask.

"Oh every time he goes into focus he passes out after but he's always ok." Preston says. 

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