Chapter 22

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Kate's POV

"NICKY!" I yell and stand up to hug him.
"How's are you boo?" He says
"I'm good. I guess. Other than the-" I start but he cuts me off.
"I know I'm sorry I got your texts but haven't been able to respond." He says sitting down.
"Nicky I've missed a lot." I say trying not to cry.
"Katie Don't cry. I know it hurts. I'm here now." He says wiping my tears away.

We sit and talk for a while about almost everything.
"So this Preston guy. Is He nice?" Nick asks me.
"He is with me but not when some else hurts me." I say.
"Well than." He says.
"He flipped when me and Lachlan stared to date." I say.
"Oh so that's what it is." Nick says smirking.
"Well my little boo. It seems Preston has a crush on you. He's become so protective of you. He fought for you. When you passed out of heat stroke then would have stayed in and watch you all night and day. He so likes you!" Nick squealed.
"Ok whatever." I say and we continue to talk. I almost tell him everything. Of course expect the wolf hybrid thing. But the thing that I would not stop thinking about was if Preston really liked me.
When we finish we Decided to call it a day. I drive home and walk into the house. I walk over to the living room where Preston and Mitch are playing GTA. I sit on the bean bag and sit quietly next to Preston. I stare at him for a while. He is kinda cute. I mean his chocolate brown eyes. His smile. The way he laughs..
WAIT AM I FALLING FOR PRESTON?! Maybe I am. Preston stops and looks at me. I quickly lean over and kisses him on the lips. When he kisses back, I pull away and run to my room. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

Hi guys sorry it's been so long I've been REALLY sick. Like I was sick for a few days than I was ok. Than BAM my voice is gone. My parents thought I would have to get my tonsils removed. But I didn't. So yah and now I'm semi better. my BF thinks I had strep throat. So yah.

New updating secluded

Friday: My life.

Saturday-Sunday: Alone..? And Because of you.

Sunday (evening): Any I choice (maybe depends on how busy I am)

Monday-Wednesday: My time to brainstorm. And do homework.

So yah I'm trying to get organized so this week will be rough I will try really hard to keep this in time. So don't hate me if I miss a day or two. If I miss I day I will make it up to you.

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