Chapter 23

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*trigger warning

Preston's POV

What the hell just happend?! I'm not crazy right? That happend?!should I ask Mitch? Should I go after her?! I don't know what to do?!

I look over to Mitch, he looks shocked.

"So I was not day dreaming." I state, and he nods.

"Umm should I go check on her? Or?" I say putting my controller down.

"I'll go. Stay here." He says getting up, walk towards her room.

Yah like I'm going to listen to him. Did he think I was going to listen to him?

I stand up, and start to follow him

"Preston! I said stay." Mitch says.

Haha he thinks I'm going to listen to him. Haha I never listen to the guys anymore. He really thought i would listen? Wow he's so smart. I would smack him but I'm afraid that Jerome will come out of now where to kick my ass.

"I'm coming with you. That's Not going to change." I say. He shakes his head at me, and we continue. I knock on Kate's door, and wait for a response.

"Who is it?!" She yells.

"It Preston and Mitch." I say.

"What do you want?!" She says with a tone of anger and sadness.

Has she been crying? Is she ok? She didn't. Did she?! She's strong enough to stop. Right?

I look at Mitch with a worried look. I guess he's thinking what I'm thinking.

"Come on Kate please let me in. I need to talk to you. I need to know your ok." I say, but I don't get response .

"Katie please. Open this door!" I yell but still no response.

"Kate I'm worried about you. I'll kick this door down. You know I can, and will!" I yell, and the door finally cracks open. Me and Mitch look at each other with shock.

I was seriously going to have kick the door.

"Only Preston can come in. Don't test me right now. I can AND will bite."

I look at Mitch.

"Please be careful, ok?" He says, and I nod. I walk in slowly, and the door shuts behind me. I turn to see Kate by the door. She is a mess. Like shes been a fight. Her makeup is a little runny. I'm afraid to look at her arms.

I really hope she didn't.

"Katie." I say, walking closer to her.

"Preston stop.Don't come any closer. I'm ok. I'm sorry." She says looking into my eyes. Her eyes are gold.

Something is wrong. She's hurting why? I'm not mad.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow. I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you. I shouldn't have met you." She says, and breaks eye contact with me. She slowly moves towards her bathroom.

"Kate Don't leave. Don't leave us. Don't leave ME." I say trying to get her to look at me again. I grab her hand.

"Katie look at me you did nothing wrong. Please stay....Fine you are 18 now. You can do as you please. you can leave. and we won't stop you. My only request is at least spend your last night here with me, and the guys." I say trying not to cry. She nods at my request.

"Ok good. Now come on it's Game night GTA, or Mario Kart?" I ask her.

"Umm. Can we play Minecraft? Like on a minigame or somthing." She says as her eyes slowly go back to brown.

"Sure lets let the guys know that's what were going to do." I say to her putting my hand out for her to take. She smiles and takes my hand. We walk out of her room and into mine. (*Not like that) I hand her my laptop and a headphone set that has a mic.

"You can play in here. You get Your Minecraft ready and your skype. I'm going to be right back, I'm going to tell the guys to set up." I say.

"No I'm going to play in my room, the comfy recliner is in there." Kate says walking out.

"Okayyyy." I say.

~Time skip to them playing their 4th round of micro battles~

"WAT! HOW DID YOU? Damn your good at this Katie." Rob yells, and we all laugh.

"Sorry Robby, I guess I'm just better at everything." Kate says.

"OOOOO BURN! Looks like we have a fighter here. How good are you at Turf wars?"Jerome asks her.

"Ummm.. well my high score is 25 kills." Kate say.

"ok than lets go play turf wars!" Lachlan yells.

I'm so glad that everyone is ok with each other. Kate and Lachlan are friends now.

"Yassssss let's go!I'm havin-" Kate says but all of a sudden stops.

"Kate?" Lachlan asks.

"Um guys I don-" Mitch says but stops also.

"Mitch? Kate? Are you messing with us?" Rob asks.

"Mitchy?! STOP This is not funny! Your scaring me!" Jerome yells.

"Jerome?!" I ask in worry. I take my head set off and run towards Jerome and Mitch's room.

"Oh my gosh." I say. Mitch has passed out.

What in the world is going on?

"Mitch wake up please." Jerome says in tears. I check Mitch for a heart beat.

Thump! Thump!

I hear his heart beat slowly. I look at Jerome and smile a little.

"He's alive as far as I know." I say and Jerome smiles slightly.

"Preston!" Someone yells from down the hall.

"Jerome I'll be right back, but try to calm down." I say and run towards where Lachlan's voice came from. I run into the living room, and Vikk is passed out to. Lachlan is sitting next to him.

"Preston. Vikk won't wake up." He says. I can see the tears he's holding inside.

"Lachlan. It's ok to cry. It's ok." I say about to cry myself. My friends are hurt and I don't know why. I don't even know how to stop this. Lachlan starts to cry slowly. I walk over to Lachlan and sit next to him.

"Lachlan. I'm sorry. We can fix this. Ok?" I say to him.

"Mitch can heal him right? Go get Mitch." He says. I don't want to tell him, but I have to.

"Lachlan. I cant. Mitch passed out as well." I say. Lachlan starts to cry harder. I quickly check Vikk for a heart beat.

Thump! Thump!

I hear his heart continue to beat slowly.

"He's alive Lachlan. That's what matters right now." I say.

"Yes BUT FOR HOW LONG?!" He yells.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it has to do with how powerful they are? I don't know. I'm sorry." I say.

Wait how powerful they are. WAIT KATE!

"Oh my gosh what about Kate?!" I say out loud. I get up, and run towards her room. I open the door and shes on her bed. I run over to her, shes passed out too.

No no no. This is not real. Its a joke right? Please Katie don't do this!

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