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Okay guys! I have something important to point out!

It was brought to my attention a while back if Kat ever stopped Self-Harming, Yes she did. It just never lead to the point in this story of me telling y'all that! I had planned on writing a sequel with a friend but that never came about because Steph ended up having to delete all social media and we couldn't text so the idea of the sequel has been throw in the trash!

But onto the real reason I started this little note.

I feel I sort of romanticized self harm some! That was not my intention with this story. I was young when I started this.... I was about 14 and I wasn't in the best place.
I had let my emotions get the best of me.

I've deleted this story multiple times but always ended up putting it back up. The feedback I got from this story was amazing. Especially because it was my first fanfic I've ever written.

But I just wanted to say, self harm isn't a good thing. It's a serious matter, and it shouldn't be takeN Lightly. So if any of you deal with this or really anything for that matter and need someone to talk to I'm here don't hesitate to shoot me a message. :)

I just thought I would clear that up for yall. Xx

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