Chapter 22

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It was the night before Cody had to leave for tour. He was going to be gone for a month before I get to see him. But in that time I'm going to have my brother come which is good I just wish that Cody was with me so he could meet my brother or something.

My phone rang and I picked it up. It was Cody. And he sounded sad.

"Hey angle" he said.

"Hey Cody!" I said looking at the clock which read 5:00.

"Please don't hate me, angle!" He said getting sadder.

"Why would I hate you?" I asked confused and scared.

"I know it's the night before I have to go on tour. And I really really want to be with you. But I can't I need to stay in the studio" Cody said sounding like he's on the verge of tears. By this point I'm about to cry. I thought we were going to spend the night together and watch stupid romantic movies and cuddle on the couch.

"It's... It's okay Cody as long as you're having fun and doing what you love I'm ok with it. Just please call me a lot when you're on tour?" I lied trying not to cry. I wanted cody with me right now he's what makes me feel happy better than anyone else. He made me feel safe.

"It's no fun without you. And I'll call you every single night" he said sounding a bit better.

"I love you, Angle. Don't forget that. I love you more than I love my surfboards, more than I love my guitars! You know why? Because those things I can replace they are just objects. But the one thing in my life that I love most is the one thing I can't replace. You." He said and with that I burst into tears.

"I love you Cody! I'd've you so much I just want to show you how much because I'm no good with words!" I said crying.

"I need to go now, Angel. Talk to you soon. I love you"

"I love you too, Cody" I said. Then the line went dead. I just put my phone dead and cried.

I'm not going to see him for over a month and I won't even see him tonight before he leaves! I just curled up on my couch.

I probably cried for ten minuets when I heard my phone ring again but this time it was Alli. I answered while trying to calm down.

Hey girl! Cody said that he couldn't make it tonight so I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight" Alli said.

"I don't know I kinda want to be alone" I replied.

"Oh come on PLEASE!" Alli said stretching out 'please'.

"Fine. It beats being alone" I said getting off the couch walking to my room.

"Yay! And wear something pretty! But nothing too fancy." Alli said sounding extremely happy.

"Umm okay.... Will do. What time do you want me there?" I said confused.

"Around 6:30 if you can"

"Uhh... ok Alli"

"Yay I'll see you at my house then!"

"Ok see you there"

We hung up and I go to my closet since I'm all clean because I expected Cody to be here. I got on a dark blue fancy blouse with cute black skinny jeans and my navy blue pastries.

I went into the bathroom and curled my hair. Since it's really long it took forever! When I'm finally done I check the time. 6:15. I grabbed my purse and coat, and walked to the Simpson's house. It was only about 15 minuets away so I was on time. I texted Alli saying I was almost there. She texted me back saying to just walk in.

When I got to the house, I hesitantly walked up the steps. I noticed the lights were off. I walked in and everything was dark. I walked in and slowly shut the door.

"Alli?" I asked out into the empty room. I turn the lights on. What I see made me drop on my knees as I scream.

~~~~ somy co-owner if the account Steph wrote this chapter and the next one for me spa big shoutout and thanks to you steph! I love you so much and hate you for this!!! Lol hope y'all enjoy and comment why you think she screamed? - Madi ❤️

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