Chapter 16

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AN: So warning this may be triggering to some people..... And sorry Dawn I know you don't particularly want the cutting to happen......... so go ahead you have the right to yell at me. And this chapter kinda has a lot of feelings and emotions poured into. so yeah. you may or may not enjoy. Love ya- M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


So Alli was taking pictures and signing things for fans. And I was receiving glares, nasty looks, and being pointed and laughed at. I had to get out of there as quick as possible. I quickly told Alli that I had to use the restroom. I found the closest restroom which happened to be in the Starbucks that we where standing in front of. I made my way to the restroom as fast as possible and locked the door and sat in the corner on the floor. Yeah its not very sanitary but at the moment I couldn't have cared less.

I quickly dug through my purse till my hand touched the cold metal blade. yeah I know yall are like don't do it there is no need to, What about Cody, Alli, Dawn, Jake, your family and friends. They don't want you hurting yourself. But at this moment in time all that was pretty much irrelevant.......

My thoughts where starting to over power "Fat, stupid, bitch, useless, worthless, ugly. If someone did care they would try to help. They would do something about it. But everyone is off living there life and I don't need to be the worthless pathetic bitch to hold them back" I continued to think as I held the blade to my wrist and slowly drug it from left to right, letting the warm blood ooze from the freshly mad cut and drip down the sides of my arm. Then I made another cut and then another. But like always someone has to interrupt.

"Kat are you in there" It was Alli.


"Okay, well my mum is here to pick us up so lets go"

"Alright, I will be out in a minute" I said getting up and cleaning my cuts and re-applying my make up. Once I approved of my appearance I unlocked the door and met up with Alli.

"Sorry I kinda ditched ya. I just couldn't handle the whole screaming fangirls thing"( And don't lie. We all know yall do it. And I am guilty of it at times. anyways back to the story) I lied..... I hope she buys it.

"It's okay it took me a little getting used to it.... Heck I still am not used to it." she said. YES! She bought it.

~Car ride home~

"Hey Mrs. Simpson do you think you could drop me off at my house?" I asked hoping she would.

"But what about our sleepover?" Alli said before her mom had a chance to answer.

"Sorry Alli, I just don't feel up to it. Another time....... I promise" I said hoping Alli would give in. but all she did was look at with the expression of a lost puppy dog.

"Ugh. There is no winning with you Simpson's is there?" I asked.

"Nope" she said popping the "P".

"I still need to go by my house though so I can get a few things."

It was not long before we arrived at my house. I quickly ran up to my room and packed a bag of my things such as clothes, charger, and other essentials.

"okay, lets go" I said as I got back in the car and got buckled up.

"Okay, what would you guys like for dinner?" Angie asked as we walked through the front door.

"I'm good. But thanks" I said giving Angie a slight smile. As I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

My phone had been blowing up with twitter and Instagram notifications all day. Then my phone went off, but luckily it was Cody, letting me know they just finished up at the studio.

I replied back with an "Okay, I love you. oh and can we talk later? its kinda Important"

A few minutes later he replied back with a "I love you too. And yeah sure."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Okay so what did you think? What do you think Kat wants to talk to Cody about? Oh and should I do one from Cody's POV? Or just stick to Kats? And sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes it is 4am and I had nothing better to do and couldn't sleep. Please comment. Oh and I will update the next chapter once I reach 4 comments and 4 votes.

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