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            After the war, the members of my pack slowly began to disappear as they left my father’s house in search of their own. Jace found me on his way out and explained to me how he had brought Aiden back to life, and that he, unfortunately, had to choose Aiden’s life over the many other people who died in the war, like Tyler and Cheyenne. He only had enough power to save one. It was almost scary, to see how easily life could be created and destroyed. It was like God was tempting us to play him. And even though it seemed as if we had won this round, this game had no winner.  


Author's note:

I just want to say thank you for all of those people that have stuck with my story! I know that I've taken way too long to finish it, and I apologize for taking it down for so long to edit it, but I think the end product was well worth the wait compared to the first draft of my story! :) Anyways, there WILL be a sequel, and it's titled Taking Flight! I hope you enjoy it, hopefully I'll have a few chapters up for you to read at the end of summer! 

Until next time, 

Haley, xx.

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