Chapter 27

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                           Everyone gasped, and they all stared up at me with wide eyes.

“What are we going to do?” Christine asked.

“The only thing that we can do,” I replied, “We’re going to fight.”

“But we aren’t ready!” Laura called out.

“Then we better start preparing,” I said, “Meet me out by the lake tomorrow morning. Be ready to spend the entire day fighting.”

                           They all groaned, and I rolled my eyes.

                           I was the first person to be at the lake, but that didn’t surprise me. I waited for a few minutes, and then people started to show up.

                           By the time that everyone got there, I realized that we needed a lot more room. I tried to think of places on the property that we could go.

“I think there’s a big clearing somewhere close to here,” I said, “Follow me.”

                           I walked through the woods for a good ten minutes before I found the clearing. I could remember walking into it the first day. It still gave off the same eerie feeling, but it wasn’t as nerve racking with all of the people that I had coming in behind me.

“Alright spread out. I want Keepers fighting other Keepers and wolves fighting other wolves. Keep it fair, okay?” I stated, “Go find a partner.”

“Gaughan,” I yelled, “Come here.”

“What is it?” he asked.

“I want you to be my partner,” I answered.

                           He nodded, and we took our stances on the battlefield.  I looked around and made sure that everyone was in his or her position to fight before I yelled the magic word.


                           The air was filled with the sounds of fighting. I ran towards Gaughan. He tried to catch me in his arms, but I ducked through his legs. He turned and growled at me. He shifted and jumped at me. I pushed him back and kicked his legs out from under him. He bounced back to his feet without even being on the ground for half of a second.

                           I watched him cautiously, and then I shifted. I moved quickly through my in-between phase. I waited for him to make the first move, but he made it obvious that he wanted me to. I ran straight towards him, and he moved to the side. I stopped, and he took advantage of my downtime. He tackled me to the ground. I shifted back to human and he pounced on me.

                           I used my feet to kick him off, and then I stood back on them. Gaughan growled and jumped towards me. I ducked under him and kicked him up under his ribs before he could land. He howled, but he was back on his feet a second later. He seemed more vicious now. He began to push me back. I took a few steps backward until I hit a tree.

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