Chapter 26

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                           The night had ended with Logan teleporting me back to my room. I fell asleep with a huge grin plastered onto my face.

“Are you ready?” Alex said with a smile.


“Of course,” Sage answered.


They were holding a white envelope in their hands.

“I wish we could see her face as she opened it,” Sage whined.


“Seeing her face as she dies will be enough,” Alex laughed.


They disappeared for a moment, and when they came back they were no longer holding the letter. Their laughter echoed throughout the room and rung in my ears.

                           I jumped up once I woke up from the dream. There was a letter lying on my pillow, right next to my head. My heart began to beat faster and faster. They could've easily killed me, but all they'd done was leave me a note? I lifted up the envelope and read the back. It was addressed to me from Alex. I opened it slowly and read through the pages. My heart stopped.

                           I went about my duties like I would’ve any other day, but I couldn’t shake what the letter had said. I waited until everyone was in the living room, and then I stood in front of them.

“I’ve got some potentially exciting or upsetting news, depending on how you take it,” I stated.

                           I took the remote and turned off the TV. Everybody groaned and looked at me impatiently.

“Alright, fine,” I laughed, “I have a letter from Alex, but if you don’t want to hear it, I won’t read it to you.”

                           Everyone’s mouths remained shut for the rest of the time that I talked.

“When I woke up this morning, this was laying next to me,” I began, “Good morning Alex, I hope you slept well. We haven’t spoken in quite a while, and so I decided that it was time to talk to you about the war. I know that you’ve been building up quite the army, and I’m getting very anxious to see it. Let’s cut to the chase. Our armies will meet at dawn on Christmas Eve at the clearing. I’m sure you remember it; I led you there the day you moved in. I’m giving you six days to prepare. Use them wisely.”

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