Chapter 12

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                           The next morning, I awoke to find myself in the library. I smiled as I moved the open book from my lap onto the seat that I was sitting in. I stood up and walked into my bedroom. It was only 6:30, and I climbed into my bed to sleep for another 30 minutes.

                           I woke up around 9 o’clock, and I rushed downstairs to find my dad, but he was nowhere in my line of sight. I sighed as I noticed that the car was gone. I pulled out my phone and texted him angrily.

I like how you left me home. Thanks.


                           I walked to the freezer and grabbed a tub of ice cream. I strode into the living room and turned on the television. The ice cream froze my fingers as I dug my spoon into it, and I finished most of it before I even found a good enough television station to watch. My dad responded saying that he thought that I needed a day of rest after going transformation-crazy the previous night.

                           I knew that he was right, but I didn't want to raise any suspicion by missing this much school. Regardless, I was just grateful to have a day to myself for relaxing. This meant that I could go out exploring the woods, and practice transforming more. With this thought, I grew excited. I put the remaining bit of ice cream in the freezer, and I walked through the front door to the woods surrounding the house.

                           The dawn was quiet, and my eyes scanned the area for anything out of place. I breathed deeply and smiled. Now I really was paranoid because of Alex. I found my way back to the lake, and I sat at the shore. I watched the sun dance behind the thick fog of clouds as I lay back on the dock.

“Enjoying yourself?” I heard a voice say from above me.

                           I looked up to see Aiden.

“You got a day off too?” I asked.

“Your dad didn't want you wandering off into the woods alone and getting killed,” he answered.

“Well, he’s very optimistic, isn't he?” I laughed.


                           Aiden lay down on the ground next to me.

“Can we work on techniques for fighting today?” I inquired hopefully.

“Sure, but I want to teach you ways to fight without you having to shift, because there are more strategies that you can use.”

                           I nodded and sat up.

“Let's start!” I laughed.

“What weapon do you want to learn with?”


                           He disappeared for half of a second, but returned quickly with a knife.

“You have to be really careful with this, got it?”

“Of course. Careful is my middle name.”

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