Chapter 15

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                           Aiden had been holding me up, I realized, as I had remembered it all. I tried to regain my footing, and he helped me up the stairs.

“I don’t want to go up there,” I told him.

“It doesn’t matter. You need to rest, there is still school tomorrow,” He reminded me.

                           I sighed and allowed him to take me upstairs. I collapsed onto my bed, and he did the same to his palette. My night was filled with dreams of the occurrences over the time I had been cursed. What if Alex already knew that the spell had been broken? Would he make the witch cast another spell on me? Would this spell be worse? My mind yelled out these thoughts at me as I feigned sleep.

                           The next morning, I didn't feel any different than the last. I walked down the stairs and got ready as I always did. The sight of my right wrist shocked me now that I knew where the scar came from.

                           I slept through the school day, and the teachers had finally stopped bothering me about it. Aiden and Mary Lynette asked me questions all day, and I was beginning to grow tired of it. At lunch, they hit me with more.

“How many times did you see Alex?” Aiden asked.

“A few. I saw him and Sage when it first happened, then Sage, and then Alex when he attacked me,” I sighed.

“Did he ever hurt you?” Mary asked.

“Only the last time,” I answered, “Is there anyway that they already know that we’ve broken the spell?”

“We have no idea,” Mary Lynette whispered, “but hopefully we will find out soon.”

                           I nodded and looked at the ground. Aiden put his hand on my arm and looked at me. I refused to look up, but he gently pushed my chin up so that my eyes found his. My heart raced, but I kept my appearance collected.

“Alex, you will be fine,” he whispered, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

                           I couldn’t force my eyes to leave his, nor did I want to. He slowly turned to avert his focus back to Mary Lynette. I followed shortly after, but his words still echoed in my head. The way he said that he would protect me, even with Mary sitting right next to us. I tried to force the blush that fought to fill my cheeks to go away, but I knew it showed slightly.

                           The rest of the school day was a bore, and I rode home in a car filled with small talk.

“Alex, are you alright?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You've sounded a little stand offish since last night,” he added.

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