Chapter 16

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                           Aiden walked into the library casually and sat down. It took him a second to register the paleness of my face and the shakiness of my hands.

“Alex,” he said quickly, “are you alright?”

                           I nodded because I knew that if I talked my voice would give away the fear that I felt.

“Are you sure?” he pushed.

                           I nodded once again. He kept his eyes on me for a few more seconds, but he eventually gave up and didn't pry any further. I couldn’t stand to be cooped up in the library any longer, and I grabbed my cell phone and walked outside. I looked up at the sky as the rain fell, but I wasn't very concerned with the sprinkles that the clouds sent.

                           I found my way to the small creek that I had visited once or twice before. The pebbles stung like ice, but they cooled my hot skin. I lay down on the creek shore and began to fall asleep.

“Hello?” I heard a female voice cry out.

                           My eyes shot open, and I looked around.

“Hello?” I called back.

“Please, help us!” the voice seemed different this time. This girl was definitely feebler than the other.

                           I stood up and followed the voices. After wandering the woods for a second, I found them.

                           Three girls stood before me covered in blood. One girl had dark brown, perfectly curled hair.

“Thank you so much,” she said.

                           She was the first voice; she seemed like a mother to the other two girls. The dark brunette and a blonde were carrying another darker blonde girl. I took in their broken appearances, and I carried the girl that was passed out. We traveled through the woods back to my house.

“I have enough bathrooms for you three to use, and you can call your families after you get cleaned up,” I said sweetly as we walked up the porch steps.

                           When I opened the door, my dad and Aiden were sitting in the kitchen talking. They took in the sight of the three girls rather well: my dad started giving out orders for me to rush them to the bathroom at the foot of the stairs, and Aiden ran up to hug the dark brunette.

“Katie, what happened?” he yelled protectively.

“I..I'll tell you after I make sure that Christine is alright,” she answered dismissively.

                           I carried the girl I assumed was Christine to the downstairs bathroom, and I helped the other two girls clean her up.

“What happened to her?” I asked as we scrubbed the blood off of her arms and legs.

“We were with their keepers on our way here, and then all of a sudden a bunch of Hunters came out of nowhere and attacked us,” Katie said solemnly.

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