Chapter 14

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                           The next week was the worst. Every single time I went anywhere or did anything, Aiden or Mary followed me. I couldn’t deal with it. I tried to outrun them, but with Aiden being a keeper, he always showed up where I did. Mary was just plain brilliant. She could outrun me in a second, and she never failed to. I tried to sneak out at night, but Aiden was the lightest sleeper that I had ever seen. I was even starting to doubt if he actually ever slept.

                           When school finished, I walked out to Aiden’s car with him and he drove me home as he did every day. He tried numerous times to strike up a conversation, but I was tired of him. I couldn’t stand the sound of his voice any longer. I sat in silence and ignored every time he tried to speak. Once we got home, he walked straight inside. I could tell he was angry.

“You coming?” he grunted.

“Yeah,” I started.

                           All of my books fell out of my bag, and I sighed.

“In a second,” I finished.

                           I knelt down on the ground and began to pick them up. One by one, I replaced them all in my bag and began to walk inside.

“Not so fast,” A voice behind me said.

                           I turned around and saw a blonde boy walk up to me.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“God,” He yelled, “this is really starting to get annoying. Let's skip the introductions.”

                           I looked at him questioningly.

                           His hair began to turn black, and his eyes did as well. Before I knew it, I was staring at a black wolf. Fear shot through me. Was this the black wolf?

                           Before I could finish thinking, the wolf lunged at me. I staggered back onto the ground, and he landed on my chest. My legs kicked furiously, but I couldn’t force him off of me. His jaws clamped down on whatever they could grab, but they missed repeatedly. Until, of course, they managed to get a tight grip on my right arm.

                           I screamed out, and I shifted. I hadn't meant to; it just sort ofhappened. I looked myself up and down. Changing hadn't hurt at all. The wolf backed up and stared at me. He took a second, and then he lunged at me once more. I shuffled to the side and bit his hind leg as he passed. He howled out in pain.

                           The front door swung open upon hearing the howl. Aiden stood in the doorway with wide eyes.

“Alex!” He yelled to me.

                           My head spun back to see the other wolf swing his claws at my face.

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