Chapter 10

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                           I forced my body to shift back. There was a lot less pain going back to being human than the other way around. I ignored the pain as I walked outside to my car.

“How did you guys know where to find me?” I asked.

“Where else would you have gone?” Aiden laughed bitterly.

“Then why did it take you so long to get here?” I hissed.

“Because I didn't think that he was going to actually try something tonight. When you didn't come back I got freaked out, but I knew that I couldn’t take Sage and Alex alone, so I brought Mary Lynette. Any more questions?” Aiden sighed.

                           I shook my head and got into the back seat of my car. I lay down and drifted off to sleep.

                           I woke up the next morning in my bed. My headache was terrible, and it burned when I tried to open my eyes. I sighed and forced my eyes to open and looked around my room. There was a tray on my desk next to my bed. I reached out and grabbed the pills on it. There was a note, and I picked it up.

This will help with the pain.


                           I took the pill and sat up. I was still wearing my sweater and jeans. There were traces of blood throughout, but the most blood was clumped up in my hair. I walked over to the mirror and recoiled at my appearance. I looked like death.

                           I moved into the bathroom and took a warm shower. I couldn’t stand in the heat; I had to sit on the corner of the tub and scrub off all of the blood. My body felt bruised all over, and the occasional tear would trail down my face when I touched a really bruised place. I shook as I stood back up, and more tears came when I brushed the remaining blood out of my hair.

                           Slowly, I dragged myself back over to my bed I lay back down. I realized that there was a backside to Aiden’s note.

When you feel good enough, meet me by the lake.

                           I sighed. Did he really think that I could walk that far? I forced myself to walk down the stairs and go outside. After what seemed like forever, I made it to the lake. I collapsed on the ground by the shore and found the most comfortable position to sit in. Aiden was sitting on a rock by the edge of the shore.

                           He turned and looked at me.

“How are you feeling?” He asked.

“I’m fine, I guess,” I sighed.

“You will feel better tomorrow, shifting pains wear off quickly,” He stated, “but that's not why I called you here.”

“What's the reason?” I inquired.

“I need to talk to you. I’m sure you have your theories, and you’re probably right.”

“Theories about what?”

“About why I was there last night.”

                           I actually hadn't even thought about why he’d shown up. I knew that there was more of a reason than he just wanted to come see if I was alright, but I didn't give any thought as to why.

“Why were you there?” I interrogated.

“Well, I just wanted to come see if you were alright,” he said.

                           A puzzled look crossed over my face. That wasn't the only reason he was there.

“There must have been some other reason,” I started, “why would you care about me? Why did you come to my house?”

                           As I asked, I realized that I already knew the answer. I could remember the face Alex made when I said Aiden had come to talk to my father. My father’s words echoed in my ear that he knew Aiden’s family. How else would he have known them? Aiden was a keeper, I knew that much, but now I knew more.

“Alex, I’m your Keeper,” he said, confirming my thoughts.

                           I had no idea how to respond to that, but I didn't have to. He continued to talk.

“I saved you from the tornado that Sage set on your house before you moved here, and I kept them from even finding you until this year. I pulled you and your father out of your car when Sage blew it over, and the next time they attack I will be right by your side. And, in case you were wondering, I control time,” Aiden finished.

                           I smiled.

“So that is why my father knows your family?” I asked.

“He knew them. My father was your mother’s Keeper, and my mother was your father’s Keeper. They met through your parents,” Aiden said, smiling at memories of them.

                           My dad never mentioned his own keeper, but the way Aiden looked, I could tell that she had meant the world to him.

“Wow,” I whispered.

“Yeah. And I hope you realize that now that you know who the Black and his Keeper are, they’re going to go crazy attacking you. They won’t stop until one of you is dead.”

                           I nodded.

“What if I lose?” I asked quietly.

“I'll make sure that doesn’t happen.”

                           He grabbed my wrist and we were back in my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone. I gasped at the new message I had.

“Aiden, look at this,” I whispered.

“What is it?” He asked, looking over my shoulder to read it, “oh my gosh…”

Sorry hun, we skipped town. Try not to miss Alex too much. We'll be back soon, but, in the mean time, be careful. I hear the Hunters are looking for your sorry ass.

Love ya!


                           Aiden stared at the message.

“Alex,” he whispered, “you better hope to God that the Hunters are not after you.”

“The Hunters?” I asked.

“The Furs are wolves and Keepers that follow the black. The Hunters are the extreme Furs that actually go out and skin wolves that follow the white and the hang up their fur as trophies.”

                           I winced. If they were after me, could I beat them?

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