Chapter 18

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                           After the kiss, Aiden had left. My mind wouldn’t stop replaying those few minutes over and over in my head. I sat on my bed thinking about Aiden and wishing that he were still here with me. I wanted to understand why it had happened. We still couldn't be together; he was my Keeper. I watched my phone, waiting for a text, but I knew he was probably already sleeping.

                           Finally, my mind began to shut down, and I fell asleep.

A boy sat in the middle of a concrete room. His mouth was bound shut, and his arms and legs were tied to the chair. He looked pathetic, as his eyes struggled to remain open.

“How are you feeling?” Sage said sarcastically as she walked into the room.


The boy just stared at her like she was the devil. She laughed manically.

“I have your food and your pill. Go ahead and eat it all while I’m in here. You know how Alex is about that,” She said.


I could almost here a hint of sorrow in her voice, and I couldn’t believe that she had the ability to feel bad for anybody, let alone someone that was not Alex. The boy ate his food first, and then he took the pill.


“Satisfied?” he growled.

Sage smiled.



Once she left the room, he spit the pill down his shirt.



                           I woke up sweating. I couldn't figure out why I was still having my dreams. I sighed and stood up. I still had so much work to do, and so little time to do it.                                               

                           As I ran a brush through my hair, Katie appeared behind me.

“Hey Alex?” she sighed.


“The pack kind of wants to talk to you again,” she said unhappily.

“The pack?” I asked.

                           Katie walked up to me and grabbed my wrist. I felt the familiar tug as we teleported to an abandoned warehouse that I'd seen before. My eyes wandered around and landed on a group of about seven people sleeping on the ground.

                           Laura and some other boy were making out on the couch, and Katie sighed.

“Adolfo!” she called then turned to me quietly, “Sorry, that's my wolf. He doesn’t have much self control.”

                           Laura untangled herself from Adolfo and walked towards us.

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