Chapter 9

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                           I stared across the street at our car in awe. I had been inside of that car a few seconds ago, and if my keeper wouldn’t have saved us, I would still be in there. I closed my eyes and leaned on my dad for support.

“Are you alright?” I asked him quietly.

“I’m fine. How are you holding up?” He said with a sad smile.

“Great,” I sighed.

“I'm sorry. I know you didn't believe me at first, but you're slowly starting to realize that I'm right. I'm sorry that it had to hit you this way. Eventually, you'll understand that this right here is going to be your life starting now and ending the day you die. There is no going back. Not now or ever."

                                I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. This was my life. From now until the end. 

                           He called the police. He told them that it was a moose, but they didn't quite believe him. They drove us home, and I decided to stay home from school for a day or so to ‘recover mentally from the trauma’. My father searched for a new car, and found a nice new SUV.

                           The next time I went to school I was bombarded with questions from people I'd never even spoken to, but what did I expect? Of course people would talk to me after I could've died. I sat through my classes and tried to catch up on the few things that I had missed.

                           My nights were filled with more and more nightmares, but the worst yet was the one from tonight.

“Are you sure that you’re ready?” the same male voice asked.


“Of course. I have been waiting for this since she moved here. She needs to die while we still have the chance.” The girl answered.


“Alright, did the attempt hurt your powers any?”

“No, knocking the car over was nothing. I just wanted to send out a warning.”


My heart lodged itself in my throat. The two people from my nightmares were the ones that had tried to kill me in the car flip. Well, at least the girl was. I listened closer to the conversation, trying to make out any hints of what they were going to try next.

“Do you have a plan?” He asked.


“Of course I do, I always have a plan.”


“Well, we'll see how it works out,” he laughed, and she joined in.


                           My heart was beating way too fast when I woke up. I was scared out of my wits, and the darkness of my room didn't make me feel any better. I tried to relax and fall back to sleep, but I just couldn’t get past the nightmare I had just been in. Eventually, I was able to block out my thoughts and find my way back to sleep.

                           Thoughts of the dream kept me on edge for the next few days. I couldn’t shake the feeling that somebody was after me, even though I knew that they wouldn’t have followed me to school. It took all of my strength for me not to freak out when people tapped me on the shoulder just to ask me for a pencil. I spent the entire week trying to remain calm.

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