Chapter 8

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                           Even with all the sleep I got on Sunday night, I still woke up feeling terribly tired on Monday morning. I had to drag myself to school. Sage was there, and I was pretty mad at her. She never responded to me after her party, and it was pretty ridiculous that I had to get a ride home from Aiden.

“Sage, where the hell did you go Saturday night?” I asked once we both sat down.

“What do you mean?” she responded nonchalantly.

“I mean your cars were gone, and I searched your entire house without finding you. I had to get a ride home from Aiden,” I growled.

“Ewww why did you ride with him?”

“Because you weren't there, you ditched me. It was either ride with him or walk.”

“Were you at least a brat about it?”

“Of course, but that doesn’t make it any better!”

                           My brain had to work faster than Sage’s because I didn't want her to know that I was on okay terms with Aiden now. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Of course she wasn't going to tell me where she went. I knew from experience that even if I kept bringing up a subject that she didn't want to talk about she would avoid it and be ruder and ruder until I dropped it.

                           I closed my eyes and rested my head on my desk. Before I knew it, the bell to my next class rang.

                           Once I reached my third block, I was feeling a great deal more awake than I had felt when I first got to the school. Aiden avoided my eyes when I walked into the classroom, and I avoided him altogether. Nothing really changed between us, but I could tell that he was trying not to be such a jerk the entire class. That counted for something.

                           The day was rather dull, and Alex avoided the subject as well when I asked him where he went during the party. I didn't mention the fact that Aiden gave me a ride back home, but I knew that I should've used that as something to make him jealous.

                           The nightmares started that night.

I could hear the voices, but everything was black. I tried to turn my head, to look around, but I could see nothing. I strained my ear in the direction of the mumbles of conversation. I wanted to call out, but something inside of me warned me against it.

“If you love me you'll stop.” A female voice screamed.


“If you love me you'll go along with the plan!” A male yelled back.


“How would you feel if I just left? Would you like that? Because that’s the only option that you’re looking at right now,” the girl cried.


“I would love to see you try.”

I could hear a door slam, and the girl started to cry on the other side of the wall that I was on.

I tried to console her, but the noises started to fade away.


                           I awoke with a jump. My head turned to look around my room. The sky was still black with the night, and the time on my clock read 2:24 in the morning. I yawned and fell back to sleep, completely ignoring my dream.

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