Chapter 19

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                           The area surrounding my house was littered with werewolves. There were no less than 30. I looked at Aiden then back to the wolves. One of them shifted and walked up to the front door. The doorbell rang, and I cocked my head to the side.

“Are they always this formal?” I thought aloud.

                           I moved to the door and answered it. Aiden’s eyes remained on me the entire time.

                           The Alpha was a tall, ragged looking man probably in his early thirties.

“Our fight is not with you, it’s with the people you protect. You’re the Black’s property and we don’t wish to anger him. You have until sundown to surrender everyone you’re hiding here to us, or we will attack. Bring them to the clearing through the woods behind the lake. Understood?” He grunted.

                           I stared up at him with no idea of what to say. Aiden walked over to my side and slammed the door. I could practically see the steam leaving the Alpha’s head as he trudged back to his pack. They turned and disappeared into the woods.

                           Aiden pulled me into his arms.

“It’s okay,” he whispered.

                           I didn't know why he sounded so worried about me until the tears hit my hand. I was crying.

“No,” I said, “I’m fine.”

                           I pushed myself out of his hug and cleaned my face. I strode into the living room confidently.

“The Hunters have given us until sunset to turn you guys over or they will attack,” as I began to talk, everybody’s faces began to drop, “which means that we’re going to need a strategy.”

                           They all looked up and smiled.

“We better get to making a plan and winning before you all get excited,” I said gruffly, “follow me.”

                           We walked down to the basement.

“I have an extra room in here if you want to use it as a drawing room,” Aiden said as he led us into the empty room, “I actually had a big white board put in for when we threw out ideas when the actual war came.”

                           I smiled tightly. I took a marker and began to draw.

“Our most skilled fighters are definitely the Keepers,” I began, “so we will put them on the front line. Peter will be on the outside; Kyle will be next to him. Aiden will be in the middle, followed by Katie and Arden. Aiden, when you get close enough to the hunters, slow their time. Arden you and Peter can attack together. Katie and Kyle run over to them and fight.”

                           The keepers nodded.

“Where will I be?” Jace asked.

“Stay hidden. We will need your strength to heal the wounded after we fight,” I answered, “I will run in behind Aiden; Laura, Izzy, and Christine follow in a line behind me. Megan and Olivia come in behind them, and Anya and Adolfo, you guys make up the rear.”

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