Chapter 13

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                           I walked down the stairs happily on Wednesday morning with a smile plastered on my face. The day was warmer than most, and I dressed according to it. I was ready 15 minutes early, and I took the time to catch up on some homework that I hadn't been able to finish the previous night.

“Good morning,” Aiden said, walking up the basement stairs into the dining room.

“Good morning,” I responded, not looking up, “How’s the arm?”

“Fine. Ready to go?” He asked.

                           I nodded.

“Are you taking me?”

“Yeah, your dad asked if I could start doing that from now on.”

“He getting tired of me already?”

                           Aiden laughed, and I carried my book bag out to the car. Aiden got into the drivers seat of his car, and we pulled out of the driveway and onto the road headed to school. I didn't want to go to school, but today I felt very rested. The bags that I thought were permanent under my eyes had disappeared, and my face looked younger. I couldn’t even think of why I had been so stressed in the first place.

                           The car pulled into a parking space, and Aiden and I got out and walked towards the school building.

“Well, I guess I'll see you in third block,” I said with a smile as we reached the main stairs of the school.

“See you then,” Aiden replied.

                           I walked to my first period, and I sat through the classes of the rest of the day patiently until it was time to go home. The school day seemed to go by faster than most, and Mary Lynette and I planned to hang out and ‘train’ over the weekend. I treaded nonchalantly through the halls as I always did, running in the same rut over and over again. Did anything ever even change?

                           After the day ended, I walked back outside to meet Aiden at his car. He reached it a few seconds after I did, and he unlocked it. I climbed back into the passenger seat, and we rode the short distance back to our house.

                           After we got home, I took my time going inside, but Aiden walked in quickly.

                           Fear filled my gut. I looked around, confused.

“H-hello?” I shouted.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” A soothing male voice came from close behind me.

                           I turned around to face the source of the noise. He was tall, tan, and blonde.

“Hello,” I said confidently.

“Hi,” he laughed, “that necklace looks beautiful on you. Where did you get it?”

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