Chapter 11

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                           The next day of school I didn't see Alex or Sage. I ignored it; I assumed that they would be back the next day. After a week of their absences, I finally decided to ask somebody about it. 

“Emily, have you seen Sage?” I asked.

“Who?” she inquired.


“Who is Sage?”

“Blonde, our best friend. We’ve gone to every football game with her since the beginning of the year.”

“I've never been to a football game with you, and I don’t know who Sage is. Can you please leave me alone?” She was starting to sound nervous.

                           I rolled my eyes and turned to face the front of the classroom.


                           Mary-Lynette remembered everything, but nobody that we asked did except for Aiden. We even went to the attendance office to see if they recognized the name, but the database rang up empty. Sage and Alex never went to this school.

                           I didn't know what to do. My mind couldn’t find the next step. If I couldn’t find Alex, how could I kill him?

“Alex what should we do?” Mary asked.

                           I took a second to think. I was going to be commanding a lot of people soon. I needed to start being a leader now, before it was too late.

“We'll get stronger and build up our forces until it’s time to face Alex,” I stated.

                           Aiden smiled as I took command.

                           I returned home to find Aiden’s car there. I walked into my house with my eyebrows drawn together.

“Aiden?” I questioned when I got inside.

“Yeah?” I heard a yell from the basement.

                           I flew down the stairs to find the reasons of Aiden’s visit. When I reached the last step, I saw Aiden unpacking a suitcase on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked him.

“Moving in,” he answered nonchalantly.

“What? Why?”

“Well, I talked to your father and he thinks that it’s best if I stay here. Your mother’s keeper stayed here as well. We’re pretty far into the fight with the black now, I need to be close enough to hear you yell for help if he tries to kill you.”

                           I nodded. It was comforting to have my keeper, but it freaked me out to know that I even needed him here to protect me. I walked back up the stairs and found my way to my bedroom to finish homework. My dad came to my room to tell me that Aiden was moving in, but I told him that I already knew.

                           Things are beginning to get more complicated, I thought to myself as I stared up at my ceiling. I tried to think of how I could get strong enough to kill Alex, and I could only think of the first step: learning to shift.

                           I spent the night shifting back and forth. It was a painful experience, but every time I changed, the pain diminished more. It still hurt, but now it was like comparing breaking your thigh to getting hit by a 16-wheeled semi. I slept for a few hours, but it was not enough time for me to feel much better.

                           Nevertheless, I went to school. I tried to dress nicer, but I knew that I looked terrible. My eyes had bags under them, and my arms and legs were covered with bruises. I kept my long sleeve shirt and scarf on the entire day. I didn't want people to think that I was being abused. Even with all my precaution, Aiden still approached me about my appearance in third block.

“Alex, you look terrible. What were you doing all last night? Did you even get any sleep?” He asked.

“I got a few hours. I was practicing my shifting skills. I’m getting a lot better at it,” I answered. Talking hurt. It hurt a lot.

“Were you shifting the entire night?” Aiden was trying his best not to yell.

                           I nodded.

“Alex, what is wrong with you? Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“No, I just want to be prepared next time that I’m forced to face Alex or Sage.”

                           Aiden looked at me cautiously. He was trying to decide whether or not what I did was right. He dismissed my stupidity and warned me.

“Don’t do anything like that again. What if Alex had come for you right after you shifted that much last night? You were a sitting duck,” Aiden said.

“And thanks to last night, I won’t have that problem again,” I added.

                           Aiden rolled his eyes, but I knew that he knew I was right. I was more prepared now for Alex than I would’ve been last night, regardless of the risks I took to make myself that way.  

                           The rest of school day went by quickly. I did not like to admit it, but I started to miss Sage and Alex, before they were the Black and his keeper. Sage and Emily had been my closest friends, and now I was left with the consequences of thinking that you were too cool for non-popular friends.

                           I sighed and walked into the library to see if I could find any more things to do to get ready for the fight with Alex. The only books that I could find were books about the history of wolves. There weren't any books of strategy or technique. I sighed and downgraded to reading more stories of past wolves in their battles against the black. Maybe I could pick up some moves from them?

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